This is the blog site for the Roundtown Player's children's production.
Read, enjoy, and comment!
Read, enjoy, and comment!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Various Fairy make up ideas.....
I've been thinking over different ideas for makeup. I want everyone to have fun with there costumes and makeup, and I encourage everyone to develop their own ideas for their characters. I looked over some sites online ans was able to find several I really liked. The Clockwork Orange pic is only because I like the eye makeup idea. :o)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Name Pronounciations
Some of the names in our production are a bit tricky, so I thought I would break them down for ya.
If anyone has any questions about our various names or words in the show, leave a comment.
Theseus- Thee-see-us
Hippolyta- Hip-poh-lih-tah
Philostrate- Fil-oh-strayt
Egeus- Eg(like E-dge)-ee-us
Hermia- Her-mee-ah
Helena- Hel-ehn-ah
Lysander- Lie-san-der
Demetrius- Deh-mee-tree-us
Titania- Tie-tan-ee-ah
Oberon- Oh-ber-on
If anyone has any questions about our various names or words in the show, leave a comment.
Theseus- Thee-see-us
Hippolyta- Hip-poh-lih-tah
Philostrate- Fil-oh-strayt
Egeus- Eg(like E-dge)-ee-us
Hermia- Her-mee-ah
Helena- Hel-ehn-ah
Lysander- Lie-san-der
Demetrius- Deh-mee-tree-us
Titania- Tie-tan-ee-ah
Oberon- Oh-ber-on
Mon. January 4
The Court
Tues. 5
The Workers
Wed. 6
The Fairies (Bottom)
Thurs. 7
Summer Nights
Mon. 11
Act I, Act III
Tues. 12
Act II
Wed. 13
The Workers' Song
Thurs. 14
It's Only Magic
Mon. 18
Act I, Act III
Tues. 19
Act II
Wed. 20
The Fairy Lullaby
Thurs. 21
Bottom's Song
Mon. 25
One's and Two's, Finale
Tues. 26 In Dreams
Wed. 27
Run Show, No music
Thurs. 28
Monday February 1- Thursday Feb. 4
Music Rehearsal
Mon. 8- Thurs. 11
Run Show
Sun. 14- Thurs. 18
Tech Week
All Rehearsal are 6:30 to 8:30, unless otherwise noted.
Friday 19 Opening Night, Call at 6 pm, Curtain at 7:30
20 Call at 6 pm, Curtain at 7:30
21 Call at 1 pm, Curtain at 2:30
26 Call at 6 pm, Curtain at 7:30
27 Call at 6 pm, Curtain at 7:30
28 Call at 1 pm, Curtain at 2:30
The Court: Theseus, Hippolyta,Philostrate, Egeus, Hermia, Helena, Lysander, Demetrius, Athenians
The Fairies: Oberon, Puck, Titania, Moth, Cobweb, Mustardseed, Peasblossom, Fairies
The Workers: Bottom, Quince, Snout, Snug, Starveling, Flute
The Court
Tues. 5
The Workers
Wed. 6
The Fairies (Bottom)
Thurs. 7
Summer Nights
Mon. 11
Act I, Act III
Tues. 12
Act II
Wed. 13
The Workers' Song
Thurs. 14
It's Only Magic
Mon. 18
Act I, Act III
Tues. 19
Act II
Wed. 20
The Fairy Lullaby
Thurs. 21
Bottom's Song
Mon. 25
One's and Two's, Finale
Tues. 26 In Dreams
Wed. 27
Run Show, No music
Thurs. 28
Monday February 1- Thursday Feb. 4
Music Rehearsal
Mon. 8- Thurs. 11
Run Show
Sun. 14- Thurs. 18
Tech Week
All Rehearsal are 6:30 to 8:30, unless otherwise noted.
Friday 19 Opening Night, Call at 6 pm, Curtain at 7:30
20 Call at 6 pm, Curtain at 7:30
21 Call at 1 pm, Curtain at 2:30
26 Call at 6 pm, Curtain at 7:30
27 Call at 6 pm, Curtain at 7:30
28 Call at 1 pm, Curtain at 2:30
The Court: Theseus, Hippolyta,Philostrate, Egeus, Hermia, Helena, Lysander, Demetrius, Athenians
The Fairies: Oberon, Puck, Titania, Moth, Cobweb, Mustardseed, Peasblossom, Fairies
The Workers: Bottom, Quince, Snout, Snug, Starveling, Flute
Sunday, December 6, 2009
We had an amazing turn out for our show. I was happy and bit sad that we had sooo many kids show up. Happy to have so many eager young folk, but sad that I couldn't cast them all. However, everyone who auditioned should feel proud of their performances as everyone did so well.
Our first read through is this Tuesday at 6:30 pm. It's going to be really great to get the cast together for the first time and get to know each other. I'm really excited to start this new adventure with all of these great actors.
Okay, now for the cast list......
Theseus- Jake Anderson
Hippolyta- Faith Arni
Philostrate- Mary Roberts
Egeus- Robert Neal
Hermia- Samantha Roberts
Helena- Tabitha Clifton
Lysander- Connor Stonerock
Demetrius- Nathan Arni
Peter Quince- Jessica Minney
Nick Bottom- Sean Anderson
Snug- Joseph Roundhouse
Francis Flute- Richard Neal
Robin Starveling- Kasey Derexson
Tom Snout- Tiffany Speakman
Titania- Gwenndolyn Aume
Peasblossom- Carley Derexson
Cobweb- Tate Shannon
Moth- Allyson Withers
Mustardseed- Makenzie Beard
Oberon- Jarrod Bess
Puck- Katie Warner
Royal Court Attendants/Fairies, Goblins and Forest Folk- Tia Clifton, Rachel Arni, Hannah Mogan, Ally Roberts, Flynn Shannon
Our first read through is this Tuesday at 6:30 pm. It's going to be really great to get the cast together for the first time and get to know each other. I'm really excited to start this new adventure with all of these great actors.
Okay, now for the cast list......
Theseus- Jake Anderson
Hippolyta- Faith Arni
Philostrate- Mary Roberts
Egeus- Robert Neal
Hermia- Samantha Roberts
Helena- Tabitha Clifton
Lysander- Connor Stonerock
Demetrius- Nathan Arni
Peter Quince- Jessica Minney
Nick Bottom- Sean Anderson
Snug- Joseph Roundhouse
Francis Flute- Richard Neal
Robin Starveling- Kasey Derexson
Tom Snout- Tiffany Speakman
Titania- Gwenndolyn Aume
Peasblossom- Carley Derexson
Cobweb- Tate Shannon
Moth- Allyson Withers
Mustardseed- Makenzie Beard
Oberon- Jarrod Bess
Puck- Katie Warner
Royal Court Attendants/Fairies, Goblins and Forest Folk- Tia Clifton, Rachel Arni, Hannah Mogan, Ally Roberts, Flynn Shannon
Saturday, December 5, 2009
today's auditions...
... Went so well! Every one of the 15 actors rocked and should be so proud of themselves. There was a good mix of characters and personalities. We're really pumped to see who shows up tomorrow's auditons. This is going to be a great show.
We decided our first read through will be this Tuesday at 6:30 pm. The cast will get their scripts and schedules then. I decided we'd have a second rehearsal on the following Tuesday, the 15th. This way the cast gets a chance to get to the script and their characters, and can come back with a better idea of what's going on.
Ooh, I can't wait for tomorrow!
We decided our first read through will be this Tuesday at 6:30 pm. The cast will get their scripts and schedules then. I decided we'd have a second rehearsal on the following Tuesday, the 15th. This way the cast gets a chance to get to the script and their characters, and can come back with a better idea of what's going on.
Ooh, I can't wait for tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
music update (four days away!)
We are four days away! I am so excited!
I met with two young ladies today who may be two great additions to our orchestra. Hannah, who recently played the White Rabbit in Dorothy Meets Alice, plays both clarinet and bass clarinet. Miss Winter plays the flute. I gave the some copies of the music to study over. They'll be coming to auditions this weekend to show off their mad skills with our music.
After talking with Junia, our assistant director, we're overflowing with ideas for choreography for the songs. Not too worry for those who can't really dance. It'll be easy, fun stuff. We're really excited to get started with this show!
Tomorrow's to do list: copying music so our musicians and us directors can scribble all over, figuring out blocking, and finishing the schedule. I have decided rehearsals will be Mondays thru Thursdays, 6:30-8:30. Since it's a musical, we need the extra time.
It's going to be awesome!
I met with two young ladies today who may be two great additions to our orchestra. Hannah, who recently played the White Rabbit in Dorothy Meets Alice, plays both clarinet and bass clarinet. Miss Winter plays the flute. I gave the some copies of the music to study over. They'll be coming to auditions this weekend to show off their mad skills with our music.
After talking with Junia, our assistant director, we're overflowing with ideas for choreography for the songs. Not too worry for those who can't really dance. It'll be easy, fun stuff. We're really excited to get started with this show!
Tomorrow's to do list: copying music so our musicians and us directors can scribble all over, figuring out blocking, and finishing the schedule. I have decided rehearsals will be Mondays thru Thursdays, 6:30-8:30. Since it's a musical, we need the extra time.
It's going to be awesome!
Monday, November 30, 2009
5 days away!
I met with our wonderful pianist, Miss Yvonne, and went over the music for a couple of hours. We have some great ideas and slight changes to the music and script. It's going to rock. I'm also working on finding additional musicians to add a little flair to some of the songs. Thus far, I've got a banjo (Oh, yeah!) and a bass player (Upright and electric). This could be epic.
I had to laugh because I realized most of the production takes place in a Forest. A woodes area.... with.... trees... That's right folks! I'm pulling out the trees we all know and love! This time, I'll add more flowers and bushes to give it a mystical feel. It'll be great.
This entire week will consist of working on a tenative schedule, among other things. It'll be a bit hazy because Yvonne works evenings mostly and doesn't know her schedule too far in advance, and we have to have rehearsals with her since she is our pianist. Go figure. It'll all work out though. It always does.
I hope everyone gets a chance to get to the library to look over the script and get a feel for the story. Either that, or get a synopsis of Midsummer Night's Dream. That will help familiarize you with the storyline and the characters.
We're 5 days away!!!!
I had to laugh because I realized most of the production takes place in a Forest. A woodes area.... with.... trees... That's right folks! I'm pulling out the trees we all know and love! This time, I'll add more flowers and bushes to give it a mystical feel. It'll be great.
This entire week will consist of working on a tenative schedule, among other things. It'll be a bit hazy because Yvonne works evenings mostly and doesn't know her schedule too far in advance, and we have to have rehearsals with her since she is our pianist. Go figure. It'll all work out though. It always does.
I hope everyone gets a chance to get to the library to look over the script and get a feel for the story. Either that, or get a synopsis of Midsummer Night's Dream. That will help familiarize you with the storyline and the characters.
We're 5 days away!!!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Audition Do's and Don'ts!!!
Just a friendly blog for any newbies....
-Totally pick a song that fits your vocal range.
-Don't pick a song that may be sung by others.
-Don't bring props. Just be yourself.
-Have fun.
-Don't choreograph a routine to go with your song.
-Don't imitate your favorite vocal performer. Be yourself.
-Pick a monologue that can demonstrate your volume and abilities to act.
-Don't pick a monologue that involves using an accent.
-Don't use an accent.
-Have fun with your audition.
-Be confident in your audition.
-Talk to the audience or the back wall.
-Don't talk to the floor or the curtains.
-Don't mumble.
-Breath and have fun!
-Totally pick a song that fits your vocal range.
-Don't pick a song that may be sung by others.
-Don't bring props. Just be yourself.
-Have fun.
-Don't choreograph a routine to go with your song.
-Don't imitate your favorite vocal performer. Be yourself.
-Pick a monologue that can demonstrate your volume and abilities to act.
-Don't pick a monologue that involves using an accent.
-Don't use an accent.
-Have fun with your audition.
-Be confident in your audition.
-Talk to the audience or the back wall.
-Don't talk to the floor or the curtains.
-Don't mumble.
-Breath and have fun!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Character List
I figured I would list the character and who they are, for those who aren't familiar with Midsummer Night's Dream.
The Court
Theseus- Duke of Athens. Wise and fair, like a kindly uncle.
Hippolyta- Queen of the Amazons, betrothed (engaged) to Theseus. Just and fair, like a kindly aunt.
Philostrate- Master of Revels to Theseus. Also looks after the runnin of the Court.
Egeus- Father to Hermia. A crotchedty old dad who doesn't understand the younger generation in general, and his daughter in particular. He doesn't get a lot of fun out of life.
Hermia- Daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander. A bit rebellious and definitely headstrong. She is modern, has a good self-image and is assertive.
Helena- In love with Demetrius. Wimpy and self-indulgent. She has a low self-image and complains a lot.
Lysander- In love with Hermia. Mr. Nice Guy. A bit of a poet and a dreamer. Sees himself as noble, gallant and chivalrous.
Demetrius- In love with Hermia... but more in love with himself. A real scoundrel. Wealthy family, captain of the school football team, always pumping iron and posing. He as sexist attitudes and is dishonest and a bit of a bully. He has already jilted Helena.
The Workers
Peter Quince- A carpenter. Leader of the group of workers who are putting on a surprise play for the duke's wedding. He's a bit of an organizer and gets frustrated trying to whip his motley crew of incompetents into shape. Plays NARRATOR in the wedding play.
Nick Bottom- A weaver. Sees himself as the real manager of the players. Plays Pyramus in the wedding play. Stupid, boastful and stubborn. Other workers look up to him because they think he is more intelligent than they.
Snug- A joiner. Not very bright. Plays the LION in the wedding play.
Francis Flute- A bellows mender. Plays THISBE in the wedding play.
Robin Starveling- A tailor. Plays MOONSHINE in the wedding play.
Tom Snout- A tinker. Plays WALL in the wedding play.
The Fairies
Titania- The proud Fairy Queen
Peaseblossom \
Cobweb The Fairy Queen's attendant servants
Mustardseed /
Oberon- The jealous, blustering Fairy King
Puck (Or Robin Goodfellow)- Oberon's main sprite. The mischievious hobgoblin who thinks all mortals fools and serves as a link between the fairies and humans. Helikes to brag. Considers himself Oberon's jester. High opinion of himself.
The Court
Theseus- Duke of Athens. Wise and fair, like a kindly uncle.
Hippolyta- Queen of the Amazons, betrothed (engaged) to Theseus. Just and fair, like a kindly aunt.
Philostrate- Master of Revels to Theseus. Also looks after the runnin of the Court.
Egeus- Father to Hermia. A crotchedty old dad who doesn't understand the younger generation in general, and his daughter in particular. He doesn't get a lot of fun out of life.
Hermia- Daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander. A bit rebellious and definitely headstrong. She is modern, has a good self-image and is assertive.
Helena- In love with Demetrius. Wimpy and self-indulgent. She has a low self-image and complains a lot.
Lysander- In love with Hermia. Mr. Nice Guy. A bit of a poet and a dreamer. Sees himself as noble, gallant and chivalrous.
Demetrius- In love with Hermia... but more in love with himself. A real scoundrel. Wealthy family, captain of the school football team, always pumping iron and posing. He as sexist attitudes and is dishonest and a bit of a bully. He has already jilted Helena.
The Workers
Peter Quince- A carpenter. Leader of the group of workers who are putting on a surprise play for the duke's wedding. He's a bit of an organizer and gets frustrated trying to whip his motley crew of incompetents into shape. Plays NARRATOR in the wedding play.
Nick Bottom- A weaver. Sees himself as the real manager of the players. Plays Pyramus in the wedding play. Stupid, boastful and stubborn. Other workers look up to him because they think he is more intelligent than they.
Snug- A joiner. Not very bright. Plays the LION in the wedding play.
Francis Flute- A bellows mender. Plays THISBE in the wedding play.
Robin Starveling- A tailor. Plays MOONSHINE in the wedding play.
Tom Snout- A tinker. Plays WALL in the wedding play.
The Fairies
Titania- The proud Fairy Queen
Peaseblossom \
Cobweb The Fairy Queen's attendant servants
Mustardseed /
Oberon- The jealous, blustering Fairy King
Puck (Or Robin Goodfellow)- Oberon's main sprite. The mischievious hobgoblin who thinks all mortals fools and serves as a link between the fairies and humans. Helikes to brag. Considers himself Oberon's jester. High opinion of himself.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
We have received our scripts and vocal scores!
I am so much more excited now!!!!
There will be a script in the library tomorrow for anyone who wishes to peruse, and it will be there til the 5th.
If there are any musicians who wish to contribute their musical abilities other than singing, let me know.
I am so much more excited now!!!!
There will be a script in the library tomorrow for anyone who wishes to peruse, and it will be there til the 5th.
If there are any musicians who wish to contribute their musical abilities other than singing, let me know.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Kidsummer Night's Dream Press Release
Roundtown Players invites you to audition for its upcoming Children's Musical A Kidsummer Night's Dream.
(Book by Lynne Bartlett, Mark Leehy and Kevin O'Mara. Music and lyrics by David Billings, Rob Fairbairn, Mark Leehy and Kevin O'Mara.)
This delightful show is based on William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Auditions are opened to all who wish to participate, though being able to read is a must.
When: December 5th at 11:30 AM, December 6th at 6:30 PM.
Performance dates are February 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th at 7:30 PM, and 21st and 28th at 2:30 PM.
Where: Roundtown Players Theatre, 165 1/2 E. Main Street, Circleville, Ohio, 43103
Cast: 13m., 8w. Most roles may be played by either gender.
Synopsis: In the woods outside Athens, the fairy king and queen are squabbling over a changeling. Enter a pair of runaway lovers intent on eloping, a suitor in pursuit, and a group of workers rehearsing their humble play as a gift for the duke's wedding. The realms of humans and fairies collide as Puck works his mischief. A Kidsummer Night's Dream, a musical adaptation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, is a marvelous musical that explodes in a joyous celebration of Shakespeare's classic comedy. Kidsummer is full of mischief and mayhem, misunderstandings and magic potion mix-ups, as kings and queens, humble workers, fairies, parents and kids all chase their dreams. This show is simply… MAGIC!
Prep: Those auditioning must have a short monologue and song prepared to perform. There will be a pianist present to accompany those who bring music. There will also be cold readings from the script.
Contact: Director Tahrea Maynard at (740) 497-3409, or email tahreamaynard@yahoo.com. Also check http://rtpchildrenstheatre.blogspot.com for info.
(Book by Lynne Bartlett, Mark Leehy and Kevin O'Mara. Music and lyrics by David Billings, Rob Fairbairn, Mark Leehy and Kevin O'Mara.)
This delightful show is based on William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Auditions are opened to all who wish to participate, though being able to read is a must.
When: December 5th at 11:30 AM, December 6th at 6:30 PM.
Performance dates are February 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th at 7:30 PM, and 21st and 28th at 2:30 PM.
Where: Roundtown Players Theatre, 165 1/2 E. Main Street, Circleville, Ohio, 43103
Cast: 13m., 8w. Most roles may be played by either gender.
Synopsis: In the woods outside Athens, the fairy king and queen are squabbling over a changeling. Enter a pair of runaway lovers intent on eloping, a suitor in pursuit, and a group of workers rehearsing their humble play as a gift for the duke's wedding. The realms of humans and fairies collide as Puck works his mischief. A Kidsummer Night's Dream, a musical adaptation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, is a marvelous musical that explodes in a joyous celebration of Shakespeare's classic comedy. Kidsummer is full of mischief and mayhem, misunderstandings and magic potion mix-ups, as kings and queens, humble workers, fairies, parents and kids all chase their dreams. This show is simply… MAGIC!
Prep: Those auditioning must have a short monologue and song prepared to perform. There will be a pianist present to accompany those who bring music. There will also be cold readings from the script.
Contact: Director Tahrea Maynard at (740) 497-3409, or email tahreamaynard@yahoo.com. Also check http://rtpchildrenstheatre.blogspot.com for info.
Kidsummer Night's Dream Auditions!!!!
We will be getting the scripts and music scores tomorrow!
We are so pumped about this production.
Having just done MIDsummer Night's Dream this past summer, I was really excited to be re-introduced to the magical story that inspired this great, kid-friendly adaptation.
There's singing, fairies, and magical happenings!
It's awesome!
And it's only 90 minutes long!
Auditions are December 5 at 11:30 am and December 6 at 6:30 pm.
Everyone is welcome to audition, though those auditioning should be able to read.
(There will be a need for a few non-speaking little fairies. If there are any little ones interested in this, let me know.)
All must have a short monologue and song prepared to perform in front of everyone.
There will be a pianist available to accompany anyone with music, though it is not required.
We will be doing cold reading from the script as well.
Our show goes up in the end of February, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28.
Please feel free to email me with questions, and pass my email along to anyone who has questions.
We are so pumped about this production.
Having just done MIDsummer Night's Dream this past summer, I was really excited to be re-introduced to the magical story that inspired this great, kid-friendly adaptation.
There's singing, fairies, and magical happenings!
It's awesome!
And it's only 90 minutes long!
Auditions are December 5 at 11:30 am and December 6 at 6:30 pm.
Everyone is welcome to audition, though those auditioning should be able to read.
(There will be a need for a few non-speaking little fairies. If there are any little ones interested in this, let me know.)
All must have a short monologue and song prepared to perform in front of everyone.
There will be a pianist available to accompany anyone with music, though it is not required.
We will be doing cold reading from the script as well.
Our show goes up in the end of February, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28.
Please feel free to email me with questions, and pass my email along to anyone who has questions.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Auditions are right around the corner!
I can't believe it!
We've got a pianist, Miss Yvonne Rancourt, who will be with us for auditions.
We are so pumped and excited for this show.
I can't believe I'm about to direct my first children's theatre musical.
It is going to rock!!!!
Auditions will be December 5 and 6 at RTP.
I can't believe it!
We've got a pianist, Miss Yvonne Rancourt, who will be with us for auditions.
We are so pumped and excited for this show.
I can't believe I'm about to direct my first children's theatre musical.
It is going to rock!!!!
Auditions will be December 5 and 6 at RTP.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Dorothy Meets Alice slideshow...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Last show... Reflection...
So we have completed yet another superb production.
And I couldn't have asked for a better show.
The kids were so wonderful.
The audiences loved them.
I'm so thankful for it all.
Though, I have to admit, I welcome the break from directing.
At least until December.
Kidsummer Night's Dream is going to rock.
Thank you cast members and families for allowing us to have such a blast this summer.
Junia and I love you all!
And I couldn't have asked for a better show.
The kids were so wonderful.
The audiences loved them.
I'm so thankful for it all.
Though, I have to admit, I welcome the break from directing.
At least until December.
Kidsummer Night's Dream is going to rock.
Thank you cast members and families for allowing us to have such a blast this summer.
Junia and I love you all!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Second weekend
Tonight shall begin our second weekend of production.
It's so strange that it's almost over.
Last weekend was a blast.
The cast did a great job together and the audiences loved the show.
Hopefully we'll get bigger crowds this weekend, for the kids' sake.
They've worked so hard on this show.
I'm truly excited to see what these next few days bring.
I'm proud of this show and all involved.
(I also find it strange and amusing that Tim Burton is putting out a new version of Alice in Wonderland as we are wrapping Dorothy Meets Alice up.
http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810078365/video/14698134 )
It's so strange that it's almost over.
Last weekend was a blast.
The cast did a great job together and the audiences loved the show.
Hopefully we'll get bigger crowds this weekend, for the kids' sake.
They've worked so hard on this show.
I'm truly excited to see what these next few days bring.
I'm proud of this show and all involved.
(I also find it strange and amusing that Tim Burton is putting out a new version of Alice in Wonderland as we are wrapping Dorothy Meets Alice up.
http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810078365/video/14698134 )
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Dress Rehearsal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight, my dears, is our final rehearsal.
I am so excited we have come this far.
Within the past few weeks, we have managed to obtain more trees for our Tulgey Wood and mom and I busied ourselves with shrubbery and flowers to make the Tugley wood more colorful and fantastic.
We now have straw/hay for our Dormouse.
Make up and costumes look amazing.
Everyone has settled nicely into their characters.
We're just about ready for tomorrow night.
I still have a few missions of my own to complete.
1.) I must finish the tedious job of printing and folding programs.
2.) Because my computer isn't the most agreeable thing in the world, I must look elsewhere to obtain a few more songs to play during intermission, AKA Josh's computer.
Luckily, both missions can and will be completely before tomorrow evening.
Tonight, Trish from the Herald will be coming to RTP to watch our show and write a review for tomorrow's edition of the show.
I'm pumped.
We have an amazing show.
I am so excited we have come this far.
Within the past few weeks, we have managed to obtain more trees for our Tulgey Wood and mom and I busied ourselves with shrubbery and flowers to make the Tugley wood more colorful and fantastic.
We now have straw/hay for our Dormouse.
Make up and costumes look amazing.
Everyone has settled nicely into their characters.
We're just about ready for tomorrow night.
I still have a few missions of my own to complete.
1.) I must finish the tedious job of printing and folding programs.
2.) Because my computer isn't the most agreeable thing in the world, I must look elsewhere to obtain a few more songs to play during intermission, AKA Josh's computer.
Luckily, both missions can and will be completely before tomorrow evening.
Tonight, Trish from the Herald will be coming to RTP to watch our show and write a review for tomorrow's edition of the show.
I'm pumped.
We have an amazing show.
Monday, July 6, 2009
This week is going to be interesting.
Next week is tech week, and I'm still trying to find someone to fix and situate my lights before Sunday.
I'm also trying to get more trees to complete our Tulgey Woods.
Costumes are 99% done.
I did make-up for most of the cast last week and took pictures so I can remember.
Tonight will go well.
This week will go well.
NEXT week will go well.
The production will be a successful one.
Next week is tech week, and I'm still trying to find someone to fix and situate my lights before Sunday.
I'm also trying to get more trees to complete our Tulgey Woods.
Costumes are 99% done.
I did make-up for most of the cast last week and took pictures so I can remember.
Tonight will go well.
This week will go well.
NEXT week will go well.
The production will be a successful one.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
RTP Banquet...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Week Three: Day three
(The Scarecrow Double)
Our show is going so splendidly.
I'm going to obtain our sound effects today.
I've spoken with Barry, who will be programming our lights, and he'll be coming in very soon to do so.
After we've gotten all of that nonsense together, we'll have Kari come in and start running the tech booth.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
...because the dawg ate it.
(Robert, Katie, Tabitha, Richard, Chase, Jake, and Sam)
Most of the cast is working almost completely off book, or at least striving to do so, and that is great!
I've got just about everyone's bios.
Waiting for a few more, and then it's off to the printers!!!
Tonight, Robert added a deliciously hilarious twist to a scene that should really make the audience roll.
This show is really a funny one, full of jokes for adults and kids.
I've purposely pushing the cast to recognize those funny lines and make sure they bring them to life so the audience can fully appreciate them.
Everytime they say a "joke" I make them stop and circle it, saying,"JOKE! That's a funny line! CIRCLE IT!"
They get most of the lines, though, so it's really coming along smoothly.
I think Junia will agree with me when I say that not a rehearsal goes by that I don't smile and laugh, so greatful for the awesome cast we all created.
Thanks guys!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Week Two
Katie (Dorothy), Robert (Cowardly Lion), Jake (Tin Man, Samantha (Scarecrow), Chase (Judson), Gwen (Alice), Hannah (White Rabbit), Tabitha (Dormouse), and Richard (Mad Hatter)
Week Two went well.
I am very pleased to see that cast members are making efforts to memorize their lines and really get into their characters.
Kris has been a busy bee working on costumes and making all sorts of magic with the cast and their costuming needs.
I had a mini freak out yesterday when I realized we open in a month.
But then I realized we still have plenty of time, though it will buzz by quickly.
I did get the signpost made up yesterday, during rehearsal, and it now stands Upstage.
Hopefully, it will soon be joined by trees and bushes.
I also have to conjure up props as well....
It all can be done....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Week Two
Isn't the word "two" a strange little word?
I just spent a minute or so analyzing the title of this blog, trying to figure out whether or not I spelled "two" wrong.
No joke.
Anyways, show is going well.
Costumes are all in the works.
Lines are being memorized.
Characters are being developed.
Junia and I are truly delighted by this show, and by the awesome group that has compiled itself in this show.
Thanks guys!
See you tonight!
I just spent a minute or so analyzing the title of this blog, trying to figure out whether or not I spelled "two" wrong.
No joke.
Anyways, show is going well.
Costumes are all in the works.
Lines are being memorized.
Characters are being developed.
Junia and I are truly delighted by this show, and by the awesome group that has compiled itself in this show.
Thanks guys!
See you tonight!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Week one: Night three and then some!
Tonight's rehearsal was much like last night's.
I am excited to see how the characters progress and how the actors develop their individual personas.
Kris, ever on the job, is continually finding new costume pieces and, in collaberation with LeAnne, is figuring the rest out.
Major thanks to both moms!!!!
After rehearsal, Junia and I hobbled off to the RTP banquet, which was a total delight.
A few members of this cast and the cast of Treasure Island were present, and it seemed they really enjoyed themselves.
I want to congratulate the following folks for being awarded audience appreciation awards For Treasure Island:
Isaac Oberer- Squire Trelawney
Jake Anderson- Dr. Livesey
John Rankin- Billy Bones
Flynn Shannon- Jim Hawkins
Brandon Richardson- Long John Silver
Tracy Kawasaki- Ben Gunn
Week one: Night two
Last night's rehearsal was...
Well, it was the first rehearsal.
Blocking is always tedious, and last night wasn't an exception, save the fact that the cast managed to make the most out of it.
We managed to cover 90% of the show, which kinda surprised me.
We still have a couple of chase scenes to cover, which, in turn, will determine blocking in ceartain spots of the show.
A couple of our young thespians were already showing signs of having memorized some lines.
Hizzahs all around for that!
I'm hoping everyone will be of book by the end of this month.
Tonight's rehearsal will be touching up on what we did last night.
We were missing a few actors last night due to vacation, so we probably won't see them tonight.
Also, rehearsal ends at 6 instead of 6:30 because the RTP banquet is at 6:30, and Ju and I, and whoever else is going from our show need to skeeeeeedaddle over to JR Hooks.
See you all tonight!
Well, it was the first rehearsal.
Blocking is always tedious, and last night wasn't an exception, save the fact that the cast managed to make the most out of it.
We managed to cover 90% of the show, which kinda surprised me.
We still have a couple of chase scenes to cover, which, in turn, will determine blocking in ceartain spots of the show.
A couple of our young thespians were already showing signs of having memorized some lines.
Hizzahs all around for that!
I'm hoping everyone will be of book by the end of this month.
Tonight's rehearsal will be touching up on what we did last night.
We were missing a few actors last night due to vacation, so we probably won't see them tonight.
Also, rehearsal ends at 6 instead of 6:30 because the RTP banquet is at 6:30, and Ju and I, and whoever else is going from our show need to skeeeeeedaddle over to JR Hooks.
See you all tonight!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Week one: Night One (sort of...)
Last night was technically supposed to be our first night of rehearsals, but I had another plan.
All of the set pieces leaning against the front of the stage are meant to go behind the upstage curtain.
That couldn't happen until all of the crap from upstage was cleared up.
On top of that, Junia and a couple of our actors weren't going to be there last night, so I didn't want to start rehearsals with only half of the cast.
So, as everyone trickled in, I quickly informed them as to what we were doing, and everyone pitched in to move set pieces, wood, and random theatre-related items.
We also have a costume crew now.
Many thanks to Kris Warner and LeAnne Six ahead of time.
We already have part of the costume for the White Rabbit, part of the Tin Man costume, and a tentative costume for Dorothy.
We still need a waistcoat for White Rabbit, along with other small details.
Apparently, as I've just found out, a "waistcoat" is a vest.
Learn something everyday...
I also broke the news to Robert that we are going to curl his hair to make a "mane" for his Cowardly Lion.
It's a process that's just beginning, of course.
With the great cast and growing crew we've got, I know the resulting production is going to do so well.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Read through
Yesterday's read through went well, according to Junia.
She said everyone read well and she thinks the show is going to be a good one.
Meanwhile, I (with Help from Josh) attempted to paint the stage back to Black.
Not a fun task, especially if you have certain qualms about getting splattered with paint, or sweating.
Luckily, the deed is done, or at least the first coat anyways.
It'll be finished by Monday for sure.
Speaking of Monday, that is our first rehearsal, at 4:30.
We will be blocking the entire show next week.
Readreadread those scripts, m'dears.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Obsessively, I have begun the program for our show.
I know.
I started last night and have modified it since then.
I know it's a wee bit early to ask the actors for their bio's, so I'll wait on that one.
I've learned my lesson from Treasure Island, though.
I cannot forget to get these things done in a timely manner.
This time around, I've typed it up myself.
When the time DOES come, I will ask for bio's, and add them to the program.
THEN, I shall take them to the printing company and get a mass quantity printed for the massive amounts of people I KNOW are going to come to our show.
I'm also going to take a page out of Tracy Kawasaki's book and check into Vista Print for some Posters and whatnot.
I've also been mulling around ideas for costumes and make-up.
Please believe we are going all out for make-up, my friends.
Tabitha shall look like a mouse, ears and all.
The Lion will have Crazy awesome Lion make-up.
I'm actually considering curling Robert's Hair for the Lion.
He has long enough hair that we could probably form it into a delightful mane fit for any lion of the cowardly persuasion.
Jake will be covered in silver for his role as the Tin Man.
For Judson, I'm considering either a polo shirt and Khakis with tennis shoes, PJ's and slippers.
It would be awesome if we could find matching shirt and pant PJ's....
Dorothy and Alice will be quintessential Dorothy and Alice.
Braids, Blonde, and both in Blue.
Dorothy will have her french braided pigtails, white blouse, checkered blue dress, and ruby slippers.
Alice will be straight blonde, black ribbon headband, blue dress, and black shoes.
The ideas are stirring.....
Monday, June 1, 2009
We have a cast!
We have a cast!!
We are so pumped with this cast.
Auditions went really well, and this really was a case where we wanted to use everyone who came.
Unfortunately, the characters are pretty limited, so we had to set ourselves to find 11 actors to fill our characters.
And we did!
Our first scheduled rehearsal is Monday, but the read through is the first time everyone shall come together as a cast.
That falls on Wednesday, two days from now.
All actors have been sent a cast list, contact list, and schedule to help aid them in their quest to becoming one with their characters and production.
We are so pumped with this cast.
Auditions went really well, and this really was a case where we wanted to use everyone who came.
Unfortunately, the characters are pretty limited, so we had to set ourselves to find 11 actors to fill our characters.
And we did!
Our first scheduled rehearsal is Monday, but the read through is the first time everyone shall come together as a cast.
That falls on Wednesday, two days from now.
All actors have been sent a cast list, contact list, and schedule to help aid them in their quest to becoming one with their characters and production.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Audtions, part two...
Yesterday's auditions went very well.
We had 10 young people come.
Add the young man who had to audition on Friday because of a boy scout outing this weekend, and we have had 11 adolescences audition for the show.
Everyone had do remarkably well througout the audition process.
There were a few RTP veterans who never fail to perform well, as well as a few brand new to RTP who did very well their first time around.
The rest of those who auditioned were young people who were brand new when they auditioned for Treasure Island.
These kids showed a great improvement from the first time I met them in January, which made mom, Junia, and I all smile.
All in all, it was a lot of fun, which makes me excited to see what today's auditions will bring.
We had 10 young people come.
Add the young man who had to audition on Friday because of a boy scout outing this weekend, and we have had 11 adolescences audition for the show.
Everyone had do remarkably well througout the audition process.
There were a few RTP veterans who never fail to perform well, as well as a few brand new to RTP who did very well their first time around.
The rest of those who auditioned were young people who were brand new when they auditioned for Treasure Island.
These kids showed a great improvement from the first time I met them in January, which made mom, Junia, and I all smile.
All in all, it was a lot of fun, which makes me excited to see what today's auditions will bring.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Auditions- The final Frontier....
Wizard of Wonderland is going to be a blast.
In three hours, we'll start our auditioning process to find our cast of 11 actors/characters:
Dorothy- A young girl from Kansas
Alice- A young girl from London
Judson- A boy from New Jersey who likes to procrastinate
Mad Hatter- Character from Wonderland
Scarecrow- Character from Oz
White Rabbit-Character from Wonderland
Tin Man-Character from Oz
Dormouse-Character from Wonderland
Cowardly Lion-Character from Oz
Wicked Witch- Oz baddie
Red Queen- Wonderland baddie
This show will be a total breeze after Treasure Island.
In fact, I think, besides doing a musical, Treasure Island proved how difficult a children's production can be, and on quite a large scale.
The cast of Wizard of Wonderland equates to about a third of the cast of Treasure Island,the set is a bunch of trees and bushes, and a sign post, all of which NEVER get moved, and the production is about an hour in length.
It's a great little show to do in the summer.
The only thing that bums me out is that I have a limit as to how many people I can cast.
We'll see how things turn out...
In three hours, we'll start our auditioning process to find our cast of 11 actors/characters:
Dorothy- A young girl from Kansas
Alice- A young girl from London
Judson- A boy from New Jersey who likes to procrastinate
Mad Hatter- Character from Wonderland
Scarecrow- Character from Oz
White Rabbit-Character from Wonderland
Tin Man-Character from Oz
Dormouse-Character from Wonderland
Cowardly Lion-Character from Oz
Wicked Witch- Oz baddie
Red Queen- Wonderland baddie
This show will be a total breeze after Treasure Island.
In fact, I think, besides doing a musical, Treasure Island proved how difficult a children's production can be, and on quite a large scale.
The cast of Wizard of Wonderland equates to about a third of the cast of Treasure Island,the set is a bunch of trees and bushes, and a sign post, all of which NEVER get moved, and the production is about an hour in length.
It's a great little show to do in the summer.
The only thing that bums me out is that I have a limit as to how many people I can cast.
We'll see how things turn out...
Monday, April 6, 2009
What an interesting ride this was.
My friends, actors, crew, and parents alike, I thank you all.
I am glad to say the good, by far, outweighed the not-so-good points.
I'd say we did a heck of a job, folks.
I am so proud of what we created and I'm proud of everyone for all of the hard work that went into our production.
I thank you all for your support.
I also thank you for your help in making my dream into a reality.
I so mean it when I say I would work with everyone again, and I truly hope so in the future.
I love you all.
My friends, actors, crew, and parents alike, I thank you all.
I am glad to say the good, by far, outweighed the not-so-good points.
I'd say we did a heck of a job, folks.
I am so proud of what we created and I'm proud of everyone for all of the hard work that went into our production.
I thank you all for your support.
I also thank you for your help in making my dream into a reality.
I so mean it when I say I would work with everyone again, and I truly hope so in the future.
I love you all.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Production weekend TWOOOOOOOO.....
Well, my friends, we have made it.
It is indeed Friday, April 3rd.
And I'm still proud of everyone!
Brush up was....
VERY special.
It got only slightly out of hand, but I know you were all having fun, so I guess it's all good.
Remember, the cast party is TOMORROW night AFTER the production, in the green room.
I am uber pumped for this weekend.
Since the high school productions are over, we should have better crowds.
PLUS, it's a rainy day AKA perfect weather to attend a show!
See y'all between 5:30 and 6:00!
It is indeed Friday, April 3rd.
And I'm still proud of everyone!
Brush up was....
VERY special.
It got only slightly out of hand, but I know you were all having fun, so I guess it's all good.
Remember, the cast party is TOMORROW night AFTER the production, in the green room.
I am uber pumped for this weekend.
Since the high school productions are over, we should have better crowds.
PLUS, it's a rainy day AKA perfect weather to attend a show!
See y'all between 5:30 and 6:00!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Opening Weekend is over.
As a director, I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.
The cast and crew were great.
The audience loved it.
I've heard nothing but good things about our show.
Thank you everyone for surprising me with the cake and song.
I appreciate it.
This show has been the best birthday present.
There have been ups and downs and backstage drama, but, overall, this has been a great show.
I would work with everyone again, and I hope everyone comes to audition for me and other directors in the future.
As a director, I couldn't have asked for a better weekend.
The cast and crew were great.
The audience loved it.
I've heard nothing but good things about our show.
Thank you everyone for surprising me with the cake and song.
I appreciate it.
This show has been the best birthday present.
There have been ups and downs and backstage drama, but, overall, this has been a great show.
I would work with everyone again, and I hope everyone comes to audition for me and other directors in the future.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Yes my friends.
We have made it!
Today is, indeed, March 27th.
Is Opening Night for our show, my dears!
I am very proud everyone, cast and crew.
This past week, the show developed and became something to be proud of because of you guys.
The show was/ is entirely in your hands, cast and crew.
You guys made it work, and I have full confidence that you will continue to do so.
I sincerely love you all for all the hard work and effort you have put into this show.
Thank you.
We have made it!
Today is, indeed, March 27th.
Is Opening Night for our show, my dears!
I am very proud everyone, cast and crew.
This past week, the show developed and became something to be proud of because of you guys.
The show was/ is entirely in your hands, cast and crew.
You guys made it work, and I have full confidence that you will continue to do so.
I sincerely love you all for all the hard work and effort you have put into this show.
Thank you.
Danielle's Review of our show!!!
Review Roundup: Round Town’s Treasure Island Contains Hidden Gems
by Danielle Filas
In some ways, Round Town Players’ production of Treasure Island shows the typical earmarks of most small town theatre offerings: it’s low on production value, but overflows with a sense of the community’s love and commitment to the play. Sometimes, though, these sort of family run theatres serve as breeding grounds for raw talent. And director Tahrea Maynard certainly unearths some diamond-in-the-rough young actors who make this play watchable, in spite of some pacing problems (Wednesday’s dress rehearsal clocked in at 160 minutes) and occasional lapses in focus from some of the youngest pirates. (And in defense of those cute young pirates with itchy knees and a case of the onstage yawns, the audience will most certainly forgive them!)
Proof that great actors can shine in even the smallest parts, young Faith Arni stands out in her scenes, even though she plays extra roles (a guest at the inn and a nameless pirate) that have no dialogue. Her characters’ inner thoughts and desires still come through crystal clear, thanks to Arni’s unshaken focus and active listening. Other small speaking roles showcase even more young talent. Jessica Rippetoe commands the stage as the cantankerous blind bully, Blind Pew. Kayla Theis dives into her pirate character, the ironically named George Merry, creating a dynamic and cruel foil to lead Flynn Shannon’s likeable character, young Jim.
Not all of the talent comes in the form of pre-teens, however. Ben Gunn, played by a lovable and energetic Tracy Kawasaki, breathes laughs and life into the top of the second act, enjoying a welcome return to put a tuneful cap on the end of the show. The few adult actors, in fact, dive into the play with a childlike enthusiasm that no doubt infects the child actors who dominate the cast.
Brandon Richardson’s Long John Silver, however, sparkles brightest in this Circleville treasure chest. When I first saw the infamous one-legged pirate lurch on stage , I thought Maynard had found a one-legged actor. In fact, Maynard told me, she had planned to fashion a fake wooden leg for Richardson, but the young 19 year old actor laughed, flipped his leg back, and asked, “Why don’t I just do this?” You really must see his physical performance to believe it, as Richardson leads his minions, fends off attacks, and even bounds up stairs. In addition to his acrobatics, he does a fine job of portraying a lovable bad guy character more than twice his age. Tri-cornered hats off to this young man! We will see him again, to be sure.
All in all, this imperfect but warm and radiant production will no doubt entertain and enchant Circleville audiences. Directors and casting directors from the region, however, may also want to attend in order to find fresh faces for future productions at larger venues. Aarrr! Thar be real talent in that thar town!
Round Town Players: Treasure Island
Performances: March 27, 28 April 3, 4 at 7:30pm
Sunday March 29 and April 5 at 2:30pm
Round Town Players Memorial Hall
165 E. Main Street
Circleville, OH 43113
for tickets, call: 1-740-474-5856
by Danielle Filas
In some ways, Round Town Players’ production of Treasure Island shows the typical earmarks of most small town theatre offerings: it’s low on production value, but overflows with a sense of the community’s love and commitment to the play. Sometimes, though, these sort of family run theatres serve as breeding grounds for raw talent. And director Tahrea Maynard certainly unearths some diamond-in-the-rough young actors who make this play watchable, in spite of some pacing problems (Wednesday’s dress rehearsal clocked in at 160 minutes) and occasional lapses in focus from some of the youngest pirates. (And in defense of those cute young pirates with itchy knees and a case of the onstage yawns, the audience will most certainly forgive them!)
Proof that great actors can shine in even the smallest parts, young Faith Arni stands out in her scenes, even though she plays extra roles (a guest at the inn and a nameless pirate) that have no dialogue. Her characters’ inner thoughts and desires still come through crystal clear, thanks to Arni’s unshaken focus and active listening. Other small speaking roles showcase even more young talent. Jessica Rippetoe commands the stage as the cantankerous blind bully, Blind Pew. Kayla Theis dives into her pirate character, the ironically named George Merry, creating a dynamic and cruel foil to lead Flynn Shannon’s likeable character, young Jim.
Not all of the talent comes in the form of pre-teens, however. Ben Gunn, played by a lovable and energetic Tracy Kawasaki, breathes laughs and life into the top of the second act, enjoying a welcome return to put a tuneful cap on the end of the show. The few adult actors, in fact, dive into the play with a childlike enthusiasm that no doubt infects the child actors who dominate the cast.
Brandon Richardson’s Long John Silver, however, sparkles brightest in this Circleville treasure chest. When I first saw the infamous one-legged pirate lurch on stage , I thought Maynard had found a one-legged actor. In fact, Maynard told me, she had planned to fashion a fake wooden leg for Richardson, but the young 19 year old actor laughed, flipped his leg back, and asked, “Why don’t I just do this?” You really must see his physical performance to believe it, as Richardson leads his minions, fends off attacks, and even bounds up stairs. In addition to his acrobatics, he does a fine job of portraying a lovable bad guy character more than twice his age. Tri-cornered hats off to this young man! We will see him again, to be sure.
All in all, this imperfect but warm and radiant production will no doubt entertain and enchant Circleville audiences. Directors and casting directors from the region, however, may also want to attend in order to find fresh faces for future productions at larger venues. Aarrr! Thar be real talent in that thar town!
Round Town Players: Treasure Island
Performances: March 27, 28 April 3, 4 at 7:30pm
Sunday March 29 and April 5 at 2:30pm
Round Town Players Memorial Hall
165 E. Main Street
Circleville, OH 43113
for tickets, call: 1-740-474-5856
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The time has come upon us.
Everyone, remember to breath and take it one step at a time.
Oh, and study those lines!
Today, at 4:30, we shall begin the show and run it through, non-stop.
I think we shall allow everyone to have a script for the first run through, just to see how long it would be IF everyone knew their lines and didn't have to stop and call for "LINE?"
We are going to get through this production week, and we are going to have a fantastic show.
You are all working hard.
We know it.
I am overwhelmed by all the help we've received from parents and cast members alike.
Thank you guys!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Cruch time....
We are getting there.
We are.
Everyone still needs to work on their lines and projection.
That is why, Saturday, we are going to work on lines, lines, lines.
We are going to make this show happen.
I'm still pumped about it, and I hope everyone else is too.
2:30 on Saturday.
I don't know what time we will be finished.
We just need to pound out lines and work on projection.
Saturday's "rehearsal" will seem more like a workshop at times.
James and I care too much for everyone to not try our hardest to make the best production we can HAPPEN.
We, unfortunately, can't force memorization into every cast member's head.
That has to come from the individual.
And it will.
We are.
Everyone still needs to work on their lines and projection.
That is why, Saturday, we are going to work on lines, lines, lines.
We are going to make this show happen.
I'm still pumped about it, and I hope everyone else is too.
2:30 on Saturday.
I don't know what time we will be finished.
We just need to pound out lines and work on projection.
Saturday's "rehearsal" will seem more like a workshop at times.
James and I care too much for everyone to not try our hardest to make the best production we can HAPPEN.
We, unfortunately, can't force memorization into every cast member's head.
That has to come from the individual.
And it will.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Crunch time!!!!
We had a few hiccups.
Last night was much better.
Tonight we are going to start at 6, and just GO.
I'm debating on whether to start with Act II, and, if we have time, go back over Act I or just start at Act I again....
I think we're going to do the former rather than the latter, just becaue we've started with Act I for the past couple of nights.
The majority of the cast has the majority of their lines down.
With the exception of a few props and needing to finish painting the front of the stage, the set is ready to go.
Some time either tonight or Saturday, I need to get the BACK of back stage cleared out and organized so that all the clutter isn't seen by the audience.
We will have a rehearsal on Saturday from 2:30 to whenever.
I honestly have no idea how long the show is going to be and I don't know if we are going to have to cut some scenes or lines.
We will do whatever to make it work.
Everyone is doing a splendid job and should be proud!
We had a few hiccups.
Last night was much better.
Tonight we are going to start at 6, and just GO.
I'm debating on whether to start with Act II, and, if we have time, go back over Act I or just start at Act I again....
I think we're going to do the former rather than the latter, just becaue we've started with Act I for the past couple of nights.
The majority of the cast has the majority of their lines down.
With the exception of a few props and needing to finish painting the front of the stage, the set is ready to go.
Some time either tonight or Saturday, I need to get the BACK of back stage cleared out and organized so that all the clutter isn't seen by the audience.
We will have a rehearsal on Saturday from 2:30 to whenever.
I honestly have no idea how long the show is going to be and I don't know if we are going to have to cut some scenes or lines.
We will do whatever to make it work.
Everyone is doing a splendid job and should be proud!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Week 5....
This week was the last of rehearsals to be on book.
our set is 90% complete.
Costumes are being done.
Lines are being memorized.
We have entered the home stretch.
This coming week, rehearsals are Monday-Wednesday, 6:30- 8:30.
THEN, starting on Sunday the 22nd, we've got Tech Week.
Sunday at 4:30, then Monday-Thursday, with a 6:00 call time.
THEN, the show opens on the 27th.
Please study your lines and blocking guys!!!!
our set is 90% complete.
Costumes are being done.
Lines are being memorized.
We have entered the home stretch.
This coming week, rehearsals are Monday-Wednesday, 6:30- 8:30.
THEN, starting on Sunday the 22nd, we've got Tech Week.
Sunday at 4:30, then Monday-Thursday, with a 6:00 call time.
THEN, the show opens on the 27th.
Please study your lines and blocking guys!!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tonight we covered the combat scenes again, perfecting them (of course.)
Tomorrow we'll go over Act I.
Wednesday will be Act II.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Set building Saturday and Week four: Night one
Set Building Saturday was a smash.
Everyone really came together and worked together to make this show happen in a big way.
The dads who showed up were above and beyond with the set.
Some of the moms went up and helped figure out the crazy costume mess in the green room.
Some were painting and helping with parts of the set.
A few were brave enough to help clean the restrooms.
Cast members were EVERYWHERE, helping with every kind of odd job.
It was a beautiful thing.
Once everyone left around 5:30, James and I started on painting the stage.
We finished the stage floor around 8- something and called a quits.
I popped in Sunday Evening and painted parts of the front of the stage myself, and touched up on a couple of spots we missed the previous night.
Last night, I started painting parts of the set.
I was elated to see a couple dads come back to finish working on the set during practice.
Rehearsal-wise, last night, we went over Act II.
I say "we" even though I missed most of it because of the board meeting.
I apologize for not being in a stellar mood last night.
It'll be better tonight, I promise, when we go over Act I.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Week Three: Night Three...
Tonight was great.
We went through the entire second act, and everyone was such a trooper.
Some people were still out due to illness, so hopefully they will get better soon.
We got a really great show in the makings...
We're going to rock the pirating world and Circleville with this production.
Everyone has done such a great job, and James and I are so proud of all the efforts set forth by all.
Set building Saturday will be very constructive, by the looks of things.
A lot of people will be there, which is amazing.
For those who don't really wanna do the whole building thing, we're going to have cleaning projects all over the place in preparation for our using the theatre in its entirety.
I'm totally stoked.
I can't wait!
Week Three: Night two
(Brandon as Long John Silver and Luke as Capt. Smollett)
We finished blocking the play last night!
Oh, James and I were so estatic to have reached this point.
Tonight's rehearsal will be to go over ALL of Act II.
Saturday is our set building day!
That is going to be an adventure in and of itself.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Week Three: Night one....
Tonight went well, except for the fact that the theatre was FREEEEEEEZING.
All of the poor actors were in their coats, shivering.
We worked on the first half of the second act, and blocked it out.
We still have to work on the gun fighting and attack scenes and whatnot, but it's getting there.
At one point, I was trying to position poor Flynn, and I pulled on his feet in such a way that he tumbled backwards.
It was hilarious and everyone laughed, but I kept stuttering apologies between my laughter.
(Sorry Flynn.)
Brandon continues to amaze me as Long John Silver, being able to pin his poor leg up in such a way that we have abandoned my first idea for changing it to a "wooden leg."
I just pray he can walk by the time the show is over.
As far as I can tell, everyone is really enjoying the chance to be a pirate.
James and I are having a blast.
I sent everyone an email tonight regarding this Saturday, AKA SET BUILDING SATURDAY!!
Instead of dining on pizza and pop, I opted for a pot luck setup.
Someone may still decide to bring a pizza to share with all, which is cool.
I just personally think each family bringing stuff for everyone will make for a better time.
Plus, better food choices lead to a more productive and less lethargic construction crew.
I figured we will all get there between 11:30 and 12, and start working.
Break around 3 for food, then start back up til we have nothing more to do.
At that point, James and I are going to paint the stage once everyone has cleared the stage and left.
It's all starting to come together......
A month from now, we will be on day two of tech week....
All of the poor actors were in their coats, shivering.
We worked on the first half of the second act, and blocked it out.
We still have to work on the gun fighting and attack scenes and whatnot, but it's getting there.
At one point, I was trying to position poor Flynn, and I pulled on his feet in such a way that he tumbled backwards.
It was hilarious and everyone laughed, but I kept stuttering apologies between my laughter.
(Sorry Flynn.)
Brandon continues to amaze me as Long John Silver, being able to pin his poor leg up in such a way that we have abandoned my first idea for changing it to a "wooden leg."
I just pray he can walk by the time the show is over.
As far as I can tell, everyone is really enjoying the chance to be a pirate.
James and I are having a blast.
I sent everyone an email tonight regarding this Saturday, AKA SET BUILDING SATURDAY!!
Instead of dining on pizza and pop, I opted for a pot luck setup.
Someone may still decide to bring a pizza to share with all, which is cool.
I just personally think each family bringing stuff for everyone will make for a better time.
Plus, better food choices lead to a more productive and less lethargic construction crew.
I figured we will all get there between 11:30 and 12, and start working.
Break around 3 for food, then start back up til we have nothing more to do.
At that point, James and I are going to paint the stage once everyone has cleared the stage and left.
It's all starting to come together......
A month from now, we will be on day two of tech week....
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Week two: night two...
Another night of tedious UGHness...
I officially learned my lesson tonight.
I am now going through the script and will try and block out the big pirate group scenes ahead of time....
I apologize again for how loooooooooooooooooooooooooong tonight seemed.
Another reason why blocking SO is my least favorite part of theatre.
Thank goodness Flynn is flexible and small enough in stature to fit in the barrel we already had there at the theatre.
Unfortunately he has to cram in there for a good 10 minutes.
Thus far, he's been grabbed, yanked, tossed across the stage, almost off the stage, had his arm twisted around, practically beaten, and now crammed into a barrel.
Somehow we've gotta keep him together until April 5th....
Tomorrow, we're PERFECTING the first Act!!!
I officially learned my lesson tonight.
I am now going through the script and will try and block out the big pirate group scenes ahead of time....
I apologize again for how loooooooooooooooooooooooooong tonight seemed.
Another reason why blocking SO is my least favorite part of theatre.
Thank goodness Flynn is flexible and small enough in stature to fit in the barrel we already had there at the theatre.
Unfortunately he has to cram in there for a good 10 minutes.
Thus far, he's been grabbed, yanked, tossed across the stage, almost off the stage, had his arm twisted around, practically beaten, and now crammed into a barrel.
Somehow we've gotta keep him together until April 5th....
Tomorrow, we're PERFECTING the first Act!!!
Monday:Week two...
Last night we ventured into the second half of the first Act, all of which takes place on the deck of the Hispaniola.
I think it is safe to say a good majority of our time last night was spent staging the pirates loading of the ship.
I could see some of the actors' faces were less than enthused as James and I fumbled through who was doing what and when.
For that, I apologize.
"Tedious" was the word....
In the end, everyone was a good sport, and we got it all sorted out.
It's going to look really cool once everyone has some sort of package to carry and actually looks like a pirate.
Which will start to happen very soon....
After everyone left, James and I went through the costume rooms and started pulling gobs of stuff for different ideas.
Get ready guys....
I think it is safe to say a good majority of our time last night was spent staging the pirates loading of the ship.
I could see some of the actors' faces were less than enthused as James and I fumbled through who was doing what and when.
For that, I apologize.
"Tedious" was the word....
In the end, everyone was a good sport, and we got it all sorted out.
It's going to look really cool once everyone has some sort of package to carry and actually looks like a pirate.
Which will start to happen very soon....
After everyone left, James and I went through the costume rooms and started pulling gobs of stuff for different ideas.
Get ready guys....
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Week One is ooooover.
Onto Week Two.
This week, we are focusing on pages 28-51.
This is the transition from the Inn to on the deck of the Hispaniola.
Wednesday, we shall go through pages 1-51, fixing trouble spots and perfecting blocking.
This week, just about everyone is going to be a pirate.
I do want everyone to think about who their character is and how they relate to the other characters.
Think about your character's background.
How long have you known some of the other characters?
Why does your character act a certain way?
What is your character's main motivation throughout this story?
What is your character's inner monologue throughout the duration of your presence in the story?
Think about it....
Little Johnny Jones ended today which means we can start dragging out props and costumes and start figuring out what we have at RTP vs what we need for our production.
I know exactly what I want as far as set design so we just have to pull down flats and figure out what paint we need which won't be hard.
This week starts an interesting phase of the rehearsal process....
Everyone, get ready...
Week One is ooooover.
Onto Week Two.
This week, we are focusing on pages 28-51.
This is the transition from the Inn to on the deck of the Hispaniola.
Wednesday, we shall go through pages 1-51, fixing trouble spots and perfecting blocking.
This week, just about everyone is going to be a pirate.
I do want everyone to think about who their character is and how they relate to the other characters.
Think about your character's background.
How long have you known some of the other characters?
Why does your character act a certain way?
What is your character's main motivation throughout this story?
What is your character's inner monologue throughout the duration of your presence in the story?
Think about it....
Little Johnny Jones ended today which means we can start dragging out props and costumes and start figuring out what we have at RTP vs what we need for our production.
I know exactly what I want as far as set design so we just have to pull down flats and figure out what paint we need which won't be hard.
This week starts an interesting phase of the rehearsal process....
Everyone, get ready...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Argh! First week be complete......
Last night was terrific.
Despite the wind storm, most of the cast showed up.
James, however, was stuck in his house.
No power.
Not fun.
Those who did come last night were all greeted with something that made them all smile a bit.
Every year for the past four years, I've given the cast of the children's production Valentines of sorts on or before Valentine's Day.
After everyone arrived, we traveled from page 1 to page 29, stopping every once in a while to try something new, change a direction or motivation, or, of course, laugh at a hilarious blunder.
Always fun.
Like I said last night, if this week's rehearsals are any indication of how the rest of our time together is going to go, we're going to have a great time.
I'm proud of everyone and I can't wait for Monday, when we will begin the second half of Act I.
Thank you guys!
Despite the wind storm, most of the cast showed up.
James, however, was stuck in his house.
No power.
Not fun.
Those who did come last night were all greeted with something that made them all smile a bit.
Every year for the past four years, I've given the cast of the children's production Valentines of sorts on or before Valentine's Day.
After everyone arrived, we traveled from page 1 to page 29, stopping every once in a while to try something new, change a direction or motivation, or, of course, laugh at a hilarious blunder.
Always fun.
Like I said last night, if this week's rehearsals are any indication of how the rest of our time together is going to go, we're going to have a great time.
I'm proud of everyone and I can't wait for Monday, when we will begin the second half of Act I.
Thank you guys!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thoughts on last night....
Last night brought new twists and turns along with more members of our scurvy cast.
We added Blind Pew, Black Dog, part of the pirate crew (they are going to be so cool), Squire Trelawney, Redruth, and Hunter.
AND, we got to kill off our first two victims of this production, Bill and Blind Pew.
I found it amusing how many of the kids kept asking me, "Do I get to die?" or "When do I get to kill someone???"
I love it.
Everyone needs to keep in mind that March 4th and 9th, we will be blocking the combat scenes.
This means the brawl between Black Dog and Bill and the fight scenes in Act II.
I'm pretty sure that's it, but James and I will flip through the script and let everyone involved know who will be needed for what.
One thing I hope to instill in all of our cast members is the fact that there are NO unimportant roles in this production.
Just because you don't have a bunch of lines, or we don't see you onstage very often does not mean you are not important.
We sat down and chose each actor for each character very carefully and the end result was a scurvy cast of which we are very proud.
I hope everyone knows that, or quickly learns that.
The saying goes, "There are no small parts, just small actors."
MY saying goes "There are no unimportant part or actors."
Tonight, we are going to touch up 13-29, then run through 1-29.
I gave some individual notes last night so I'm excited to see how those individuals interpret and apply....
After tonight, we won't see these scenes til next Wednesday, when we'll add pages
29-51 to the mix....
We added Blind Pew, Black Dog, part of the pirate crew (they are going to be so cool), Squire Trelawney, Redruth, and Hunter.
AND, we got to kill off our first two victims of this production, Bill and Blind Pew.
I found it amusing how many of the kids kept asking me, "Do I get to die?" or "When do I get to kill someone???"
I love it.
Everyone needs to keep in mind that March 4th and 9th, we will be blocking the combat scenes.
This means the brawl between Black Dog and Bill and the fight scenes in Act II.
I'm pretty sure that's it, but James and I will flip through the script and let everyone involved know who will be needed for what.
One thing I hope to instill in all of our cast members is the fact that there are NO unimportant roles in this production.
Just because you don't have a bunch of lines, or we don't see you onstage very often does not mean you are not important.
We sat down and chose each actor for each character very carefully and the end result was a scurvy cast of which we are very proud.
I hope everyone knows that, or quickly learns that.
The saying goes, "There are no small parts, just small actors."
MY saying goes "There are no unimportant part or actors."
Tonight, we are going to touch up 13-29, then run through 1-29.
I gave some individual notes last night so I'm excited to see how those individuals interpret and apply....
After tonight, we won't see these scenes til next Wednesday, when we'll add pages
29-51 to the mix....
Monday, February 9, 2009
Day one....
I really don't like blocking.
I don't think anyone does.
It's tedious.
BUT, everyone was a trooper.
I've never really paid attention the scheduling ways of others, so I'm not quite sure what the norm really is...
For me, I memorize by repetition.
When memorizing lines, I study one part, we'll title A.
I study it til I've memorized it, then I move to part B.
Once I've memorized B, I go back and go over A and B together, then move onto part C.
Then I do A, B, and C...
So continues the pattern.
That's how I've scheduled things.
We did pages 1-13 tonight.
We're going to go over 1-13 again tomorrow, then slap on 13-29.
Then Wednesday we're going to fine tune 1-29.
Over and over and over again.
Hopefully it won't annoy too many folks...
That's just how I role...
Everyone received their scripts tonight.
EVERYONE will notice that some folks are gettting an actual script and others are getting partial scripts.
The scripts were $20 a pop.
Multiply that by 32 cast members...
Yeah, that = NO more money in Tahrea's budget for ANYTHING else...
We only got 11 actual scripts...
SO, I am making copies for those folks who aren't in the entire show.
Ben Gunn is only through the second half of the show.
Mrs. Hawkins is only in the first 29 pages.
Bill dies on page 16.
So, that's what I copied for them.
Please don't be offended or hurt by this.
It's not a matter of importance.
It's conservation of paper and ink costs in a crappy economy.
I don't think anyone does.
It's tedious.
BUT, everyone was a trooper.
I've never really paid attention the scheduling ways of others, so I'm not quite sure what the norm really is...
For me, I memorize by repetition.
When memorizing lines, I study one part, we'll title A.
I study it til I've memorized it, then I move to part B.
Once I've memorized B, I go back and go over A and B together, then move onto part C.
Then I do A, B, and C...
So continues the pattern.
That's how I've scheduled things.
We did pages 1-13 tonight.
We're going to go over 1-13 again tomorrow, then slap on 13-29.
Then Wednesday we're going to fine tune 1-29.
Over and over and over again.
Hopefully it won't annoy too many folks...
That's just how I role...
Everyone received their scripts tonight.
EVERYONE will notice that some folks are gettting an actual script and others are getting partial scripts.
The scripts were $20 a pop.
Multiply that by 32 cast members...
Yeah, that = NO more money in Tahrea's budget for ANYTHING else...
We only got 11 actual scripts...
SO, I am making copies for those folks who aren't in the entire show.
Ben Gunn is only through the second half of the show.
Mrs. Hawkins is only in the first 29 pages.
Bill dies on page 16.
So, that's what I copied for them.
Please don't be offended or hurt by this.
It's not a matter of importance.
It's conservation of paper and ink costs in a crappy economy.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
It starts.....
Rehearsals start tomorrow at 6:30.
After that, it's Monday- Wednesday, 6:30- 8:30 pm.
After that, it's Monday- Wednesday, 6:30- 8:30 pm.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Little Johnny Jones
Remember, LITTLE JOHNNY JONES is this weekend and next weekend.
WHAT: A Musical show dedicated to the American
Service men and women
WHERE: The RoundTown Players 165 ½ e. Main St .
WHEN: February 6, 7, 13, 14 at 8:00 PM
February 8, 15 at 2:30 PM
CALL: 740-474-5856 for Tickets.
SPECIAL: Bring a gift for a serviceman or woman and receive
a ticket discount of $1.00
Here is a list of items that can be exchanged for $1.00 off your admission price.
COLD WEATHER NEEDS: hand and foot warmers, black knitted hats, gloves, hot chocolate, blankets
WARM WEATHER NEEDS: fly swatters, sticky fly paper, insect repellent w/DEET, sunscreen w/high SPF, lip balm w/SPF, Cortisone Cream (anti itch cream), medicated body powder (for heat rash), misting fans.
TROOP MAIL: Letters/Cards of appreciation, sent to the Chaplain c/o Troop Mail for those sailors/soldiers who get little mail. Please do not seal the envelops.
HYGIENE ETC: (male and female): Q-tips, mouthwash, hair conditioner, shampoo, razors, baby wipes, foot care products, skin moisturizer, lip balm w/SPF, hand sanitizer, Feminine products, dark hair restraints, Ziploc bags (Qt. & Gal. sizes), shower shoes, nail clippers, black Du Rag men wave caps, battery operated hair clippers, Thorlo Brand Boot socks (army green/tan only)
FOOD/BEVERAGE: Gatorade powder, powdered drink mix singles, protein/energy drinks/powder, gourmet/flavored coffee, single serve sugar/creamer, Pringles, prepackaged cookies, cheese crackers, power bars, granola bars, Nature Valley and trail mix bars, beef jerky, Honey Wheat Thins, Cup of Noodle soups (chicken or beef flavored), Tuna fish cracker snack packs, cereal, gummy bears, gum, cashews, nuts, sunflower seeds, pop tarts, cans of fruit, trail mixes (individual servings).
ENTERTAINMENT: DVD movies, recorded TV/Sports shows on DVD, books (thrillers, spy, Sci-Fi, Western), magazines (sports, fitness etc., newspapers, Army Times, ladies), crosswords, word search, Sudoku, travel size games, stationery, card games, pens, all occasion cards/holiday cards to mail home, AT&T Prepaid Calling cards.
RoundTown Players
165 1/2 E. Main St.
Circleville, Ohio 43113
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Update... (rehearsals start on MONDAY!!!!)
I am currently in the process of copying scripts and putting everything together.
As the scripts were $20 a pop, I'm doing a little bit of surgical work so that everyone has a copy of whatever part of the production in which they are involved.
I only have 11 copies of the actual script, and I'm going to assign those to the characters that are throughout the production.
This isn't so much about who's more important or better.
NONE of that, because EVERYONE is important.
It's all a matter of scheming and saving trees.
So, this week's main mode of insanity is, indeed, the scripts.
There are things about which others don't tell you when you start out on your first directing gig.
I imagine this is what it's like when you first bring home your baby or when you first get married.
You always learn things about yourself and the situation that you never saw coming...
BUT, it's fabulous.
Our first rehearsal is Monday....
I am totally pumped!!!!
We're going to need Jim, Mrs. H, Bill, the CUSTOMERS, and Dr. L on Monday.
Then, Tuesday, Jim, Bill, Mrs. H, Dr. L, Black Dog, Blind Pew, Morgan, Merry, Squire, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, and the PIRATES group.
Wednesday, we're going over pages 1-29, which means EVERYONE from Monday and Tuesday.
Rehearsal Schedule
February (Rehearsals are 6:30-8:30, unless otherwise noted)
Week 1-9 Blocking pages 1-13 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Customers, Livesey)
10 Go over 1- 13, Block Pages 13-29 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Livesey, Black Dog, Pew,
Morgan, Merry, Job, Trelawney, Redruth, Hunter,Joyce)
11 Go Over 1-29
Wk. 2- 16 Blocking pages 28-37 (Squire, Livesy, Smollett, Silver, (Squire, Livesey, Smollett, Silver, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, Jim, Black Dog Dog,
Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien )
17 Go over 28-37, Block pages 37-51 (Squire, Livesey, Smollett, Silver, Jim, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce,
Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien )
18 Go Over pages 1-51
Wk.3-23 Blocking Pages 52-69 (Jim, Livesey, Joyce, Hunter, Redruth, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
24 Go over 52-69, Block Pages 69-94 (Jim, Livesey, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
25 Go over 52-94
Wk. 4- 2 Go over Act 2
3 Go Over Act 1
4 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
Wk. 5- 9 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
10 Run Act 1
11 Run Act 2
Wk. 6-16 Run Show Practice Curtain Call
17 Run Show
18 Run Show
Wk. 7-22 Tech Rehearsal- 4:30-TBA (depending on show runtime)
23 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
24 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
25 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
26 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
27 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
28 Play Call time at 6pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
29 Play Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30 pm
1 Brush Up
3 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
4 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
5 play and strike set Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30
As the scripts were $20 a pop, I'm doing a little bit of surgical work so that everyone has a copy of whatever part of the production in which they are involved.
I only have 11 copies of the actual script, and I'm going to assign those to the characters that are throughout the production.
This isn't so much about who's more important or better.
NONE of that, because EVERYONE is important.
It's all a matter of scheming and saving trees.
So, this week's main mode of insanity is, indeed, the scripts.
There are things about which others don't tell you when you start out on your first directing gig.
I imagine this is what it's like when you first bring home your baby or when you first get married.
You always learn things about yourself and the situation that you never saw coming...
BUT, it's fabulous.
Our first rehearsal is Monday....
I am totally pumped!!!!
We're going to need Jim, Mrs. H, Bill, the CUSTOMERS, and Dr. L on Monday.
Then, Tuesday, Jim, Bill, Mrs. H, Dr. L, Black Dog, Blind Pew, Morgan, Merry, Squire, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, and the PIRATES group.
Wednesday, we're going over pages 1-29, which means EVERYONE from Monday and Tuesday.
Rehearsal Schedule
February (Rehearsals are 6:30-8:30, unless otherwise noted)
Week 1-9 Blocking pages 1-13 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Customers, Livesey)
10 Go over 1- 13, Block Pages 13-29 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Livesey, Black Dog, Pew,
Morgan, Merry, Job, Trelawney, Redruth, Hunter,Joyce)
11 Go Over 1-29
Wk. 2- 16 Blocking pages 28-37 (Squire, Livesy, Smollett, Silver, (Squire, Livesey, Smollett, Silver, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, Jim, Black Dog Dog,
Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien )
17 Go over 28-37, Block pages 37-51 (Squire, Livesey, Smollett, Silver, Jim, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce,
Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien )
18 Go Over pages 1-51
Wk.3-23 Blocking Pages 52-69 (Jim, Livesey, Joyce, Hunter, Redruth, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
24 Go over 52-69, Block Pages 69-94 (Jim, Livesey, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
25 Go over 52-94
Wk. 4- 2 Go over Act 2
3 Go Over Act 1
4 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
Wk. 5- 9 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
10 Run Act 1
11 Run Act 2
Wk. 6-16 Run Show Practice Curtain Call
17 Run Show
18 Run Show
Wk. 7-22 Tech Rehearsal- 4:30-TBA (depending on show runtime)
23 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
24 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
25 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
26 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
27 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
28 Play Call time at 6pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
29 Play Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30 pm
1 Brush Up
3 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
4 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
5 play and strike set Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30
Monday, February 2, 2009
As of right now, everyone I cast is all in and excited.
I went ahead and cancelled the read through.
It would be too maddening to cope with staying out of the way of the LJJ folks.
Plus, some of our cast is in LJJ, so we wouldn't even have everyone together.
BUT, we start in a week....
And I am so pumped!!
I went ahead and cancelled the read through.
It would be too maddening to cope with staying out of the way of the LJJ folks.
Plus, some of our cast is in LJJ, so we wouldn't even have everyone together.
BUT, we start in a week....
And I am so pumped!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Auditions- The final Frontier....
Another successful night.
We had over 30 people show up to audition, and it was so wonderful.
The hard part was the 30+ minutes it took deliberating over who to cast and in what character.
We finally came to an agreement on our fabulous cast.....
(Listed in order of appearance)
Bill- John Rankin
Jim- Flynn Shannon
Mrs. Hawkins- Miranda Fein
Dr. Livesey- Jake Anderson
Black Dog- Miracle Higginbotham
Blind Pew- Jessica Rippetoe
George Merry- Kayla Theis
Tom Morgan- Heather Bennett
Squire Trelawney- Isaac Oberer
Redruth- Ethan Warner
Hunter- Chase Euton
Joyce- Kasey Derexson
Capt. Smollett- Luke Bowman
Long John Silver- Brandon Richardson
Mr. Arrow- Jackie Richardson
Dick- Tate Shannon
Israel Hands- Wally Higgins
O’Brien- Stevie Houser
Alan- Sarah Arni
Abraham Gray- Robert Neal
Ben Gunn- Tracy Kawasaki
Customers/Pirates- Olivia Bowman, Trixie Kawasaki, Lili Kawasaki, Faith Arni, Hannah Mogan, Hannah Utt, Tabitha Clifton, Katie Warner, Richard Wilson, Jake Six, Nathan Arni
Thank you to everyone who came out and auditioned!
Another successful night.
We had over 30 people show up to audition, and it was so wonderful.
The hard part was the 30+ minutes it took deliberating over who to cast and in what character.
We finally came to an agreement on our fabulous cast.....
(Listed in order of appearance)
Bill- John Rankin
Jim- Flynn Shannon
Mrs. Hawkins- Miranda Fein
Dr. Livesey- Jake Anderson
Black Dog- Miracle Higginbotham
Blind Pew- Jessica Rippetoe
George Merry- Kayla Theis
Tom Morgan- Heather Bennett
Squire Trelawney- Isaac Oberer
Redruth- Ethan Warner
Hunter- Chase Euton
Joyce- Kasey Derexson
Capt. Smollett- Luke Bowman
Long John Silver- Brandon Richardson
Mr. Arrow- Jackie Richardson
Dick- Tate Shannon
Israel Hands- Wally Higgins
O’Brien- Stevie Houser
Alan- Sarah Arni
Abraham Gray- Robert Neal
Ben Gunn- Tracy Kawasaki
Customers/Pirates- Olivia Bowman, Trixie Kawasaki, Lili Kawasaki, Faith Arni, Hannah Mogan, Hannah Utt, Tabitha Clifton, Katie Warner, Richard Wilson, Jake Six, Nathan Arni
Thank you to everyone who came out and auditioned!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Today's auditions
First day is over.
And it was fantastic.
We had a nice blend of new kids and veterans.
20 people in all, ranging from 7 years old to 19.
I'm sure about half of them will come back tomorrow night, which will be awesome.
That way I can mix-n-match kids from today and tomorrow.
If tomorrow goes as well as today, we are going to have a really nice cast for the show.
James is seems concerned that only a few folks will show up for the auditions because of the superbowl.
Though that is a plausible situation, I told him, "If people really want to audition, they'll show up. Otherwise they weren't that interested in the show to begin with...."
I have a feeling, however, we'll have a good number of fresh faces with which to work...
We may not be able to do the read-through at all if Little Johnny Jones is rehearsing this week, which means we'll just go right into rehearsals on the 9th.
I really holding my breath and praying Susan decides to do the brush up on the 12th (Thursday) instead of the 10th or 11th, both of which are days we T.I. folks have scheduled for our first blocking rehearsals.
Not fun....
I'm sure it will all work out though.
Hopefully, by Monday we'll have castlist to post.....
First day is over.
And it was fantastic.
We had a nice blend of new kids and veterans.
20 people in all, ranging from 7 years old to 19.
I'm sure about half of them will come back tomorrow night, which will be awesome.
That way I can mix-n-match kids from today and tomorrow.
If tomorrow goes as well as today, we are going to have a really nice cast for the show.
James is seems concerned that only a few folks will show up for the auditions because of the superbowl.
Though that is a plausible situation, I told him, "If people really want to audition, they'll show up. Otherwise they weren't that interested in the show to begin with...."
I have a feeling, however, we'll have a good number of fresh faces with which to work...
We may not be able to do the read-through at all if Little Johnny Jones is rehearsing this week, which means we'll just go right into rehearsals on the 9th.
I really holding my breath and praying Susan decides to do the brush up on the 12th (Thursday) instead of the 10th or 11th, both of which are days we T.I. folks have scheduled for our first blocking rehearsals.
Not fun....
I'm sure it will all work out though.
Hopefully, by Monday we'll have castlist to post.....
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Countdown the hours.....
It is 12:16 am on Friday, January 30th.
Technically, auditions are TOMORROW.
In 36 hours, I will be sitting in a meeting for the dance studio and not paying one iota of attention to what is being said...
All my focus will be on the ticking clock and wishing it would speed to 2:30 pm....
Technically, auditions are TOMORROW.
In 36 hours, I will be sitting in a meeting for the dance studio and not paying one iota of attention to what is being said...
All my focus will be on the ticking clock and wishing it would speed to 2:30 pm....
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Further info about auditions
We are threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee days away.
How fabulous is that?
I am so pumped about it all.
I've received so many emails from parents about the play, and folks have approached me everywhere.
It's going to be so fantastic.
I just got an email from a new parent and she was full of questions, which I love.
Actually, I loved them so much I wanted to post them here for anyone else who may have questions about the auditions....
"He is 11 - are there places for someone his age?"
-I am not casting on age so much as ability.
The majority of the characters are adults, so your son is fine.
"Do we need to make an appointment for the audition? Do we just show up and do we come on both days? Do we show up early,is it a first come first audition type of thing? Are there many that show up? We are picturing an "American Idol" kind of thing."
-You do not need to make an appointment.
Just come at 2:30/7:30 and you'll fill out an audition sheet and hand it back to either myself or my assistant director.
Then, everyone will be seated in the auditorium and I'll be calling those auditioning up onto the stage in groups of 4 or 5.
Everyone will get a turn to state their name, age, school and then their monologue.
After everyone has had a turn, we will do cold reading, which is reading scenes from the script.
We are expecting a good crowd of folks to show up, but this is a good thing.
Oh, if you want to come to both days, that would be fantastic.
I actually love to have folks from the first day come back to the second just so I can see everyone together, and get a feel for how they would work with each other.
If you can't, though, that is not a problem.
"Also, is there any chance for parents to just help?"
Those words are music to my ears....My biggest philosophy when it comes to childresn's theatre is if the child is involved, mom and dad are involved.
This is a family/community theatre, and I totally encourage that theme.
How fabulous is that?
I am so pumped about it all.
I've received so many emails from parents about the play, and folks have approached me everywhere.
It's going to be so fantastic.
I just got an email from a new parent and she was full of questions, which I love.
Actually, I loved them so much I wanted to post them here for anyone else who may have questions about the auditions....
"He is 11 - are there places for someone his age?"
-I am not casting on age so much as ability.
The majority of the characters are adults, so your son is fine.
"Do we need to make an appointment for the audition? Do we just show up and do we come on both days? Do we show up early,is it a first come first audition type of thing? Are there many that show up? We are picturing an "American Idol" kind of thing."
-You do not need to make an appointment.
Just come at 2:30/7:30 and you'll fill out an audition sheet and hand it back to either myself or my assistant director.
Then, everyone will be seated in the auditorium and I'll be calling those auditioning up onto the stage in groups of 4 or 5.
Everyone will get a turn to state their name, age, school and then their monologue.
After everyone has had a turn, we will do cold reading, which is reading scenes from the script.
We are expecting a good crowd of folks to show up, but this is a good thing.
Oh, if you want to come to both days, that would be fantastic.
I actually love to have folks from the first day come back to the second just so I can see everyone together, and get a feel for how they would work with each other.
If you can't, though, that is not a problem.
"Also, is there any chance for parents to just help?"
Those words are music to my ears....My biggest philosophy when it comes to childresn's theatre is if the child is involved, mom and dad are involved.
This is a family/community theatre, and I totally encourage that theme.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
We have four days.
I can now use one hand to count down the days til auditions.
Little Johnny Jones starts this weekend.
I would love for everyone to go out and support the cast.
If you take a non-perishable item, you get a dollar off your ticket.
The cast is dedicating the show to our troops and has adopted a troop in afghanistan, to whom they are sending a care package.
I love it.
There are adults and kids in the show, and I think it should be really great.
I can now use one hand to count down the days til auditions.
Little Johnny Jones starts this weekend.
I would love for everyone to go out and support the cast.
If you take a non-perishable item, you get a dollar off your ticket.
The cast is dedicating the show to our troops and has adopted a troop in afghanistan, to whom they are sending a care package.
I love it.
There are adults and kids in the show, and I think it should be really great.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
7... SEVEN days away!!!!
A week from this moment, I will be going over the audition sheets of the actors who will show up to audition for our fabulous play.
Yes, even though the auditions will be at 2:30, I will still be going over stuff after 11 in the evening.
Not that I'm obsessed or anything...
There was an ad for the auditions in the Circleville Herald, and the Dispatch.
Fabulous stuff.
I'm so excited...
So anxious because we're so close, yet so far away.
After auditions, I'm going to email the cast list to everyone, post it on the doors at the theatre, and post it here.
THEN, we're going to have a read-through on the 4th to get everyone kinda familiar with the lines.
THEN, rehearsals start on the 9th at 6:30.
UBER fabulous!!!
Yes, even though the auditions will be at 2:30, I will still be going over stuff after 11 in the evening.
Not that I'm obsessed or anything...
There was an ad for the auditions in the Circleville Herald, and the Dispatch.
Fabulous stuff.
I'm so excited...
So anxious because we're so close, yet so far away.
After auditions, I'm going to email the cast list to everyone, post it on the doors at the theatre, and post it here.
THEN, we're going to have a read-through on the 4th to get everyone kinda familiar with the lines.
THEN, rehearsals start on the 9th at 6:30.
UBER fabulous!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Just checking in...
So, nothing major to report at this time....
Except for the fact that WE HAVE 9 DAYS LEFT TIL AUDITIONS!!!!!
9 DAYS!!!!
I am so pumped.
I have never counted down for anything like this before.
I a soooo ready to get started.
Auditions are in 9 days...
Then we have the read through for the cast on the 4th...
Then we offically start rehearsals on the 9th.
I can't touch any set or costuming stuff til then, in respect for Little Johnny Jones going on til the 8th.
I'm so pumped.
Except for the fact that WE HAVE 9 DAYS LEFT TIL AUDITIONS!!!!!
9 DAYS!!!!
I am so pumped.
I have never counted down for anything like this before.
I a soooo ready to get started.
Auditions are in 9 days...
Then we have the read through for the cast on the 4th...
Then we offically start rehearsals on the 9th.
I can't touch any set or costuming stuff til then, in respect for Little Johnny Jones going on til the 8th.
I'm so pumped.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Oh my gosh... YAY!
I know we've all waited and waited and waited....
And one of them is at the Pickaway County Library on Court Street.
And it is there for anyone to read.
Thank you for your patience!
And one of them is at the Pickaway County Library on Court Street.
And it is there for anyone to read.
Thank you for your patience!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
13 days to go!!!!
Because I can't help it, I'm counting down the days.
We've past the two week mark on the countdown!!
SO close!
My next endeavour is to finalize tracking down my sound effects and music.
Easier said than done....
We've past the two week mark on the countdown!!
SO close!
My next endeavour is to finalize tracking down my sound effects and music.
Easier said than done....
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The show itself will be an adventure....
16 days.
16 days.
And because of faulty schedules and weather, I haven't been to the library as of yet.
I apologize.
James and I are really excited about the production.
It's going to rock.
This will be James' first time taking a stab at directing, though he's been involved in RTP productions for several years now.
You may have seen him aroud last year with Pinocchio.
His fabulous wife Vera played the Police Officer, and he was at a lot of practices.
He's going to be a great member of the production team, and I truly believe he is going to add something great to the show.
Thus far, we've had a lot of different folks voice interest in the show, adults and children, male and female alike.
Which is always FANTASTIC.
I really want a lot of different people to audition.
The better the variety, the more options from which we have to decide.
I think, thus far, the ideas I've thought up casting-wise have been creative.
BUT, that could change if the right people pop in.
So far, my excitement hasn't subsided.
I keep thinking up different things that need to be done, and, if I CAN do them now, I attack them.
Then, there are the certain instances where I realize something that will need to be done once Little Johnny Jones is done and I have the theatre for Treasure Island.
THOSE are the instances which are killing me.
Beacause I have this overwhelming desire to get everything done and ready NOW.
At that point, I attempt to remind myself that we have til the END of MARCH to get everything done.
The end of March.
That's two months away.
It's hard to feed yourself a chill pill.
It can be done though.
Don't be surprised when I'm spazzing out excited at auditions.
I think I'll end up hugging EVERYONE just for the sheer fact that they showed up.
It's going to be an amazing show.
It totally is.
16 days.
And because of faulty schedules and weather, I haven't been to the library as of yet.
I apologize.
James and I are really excited about the production.
It's going to rock.
This will be James' first time taking a stab at directing, though he's been involved in RTP productions for several years now.
You may have seen him aroud last year with Pinocchio.
His fabulous wife Vera played the Police Officer, and he was at a lot of practices.
He's going to be a great member of the production team, and I truly believe he is going to add something great to the show.
Thus far, we've had a lot of different folks voice interest in the show, adults and children, male and female alike.
Which is always FANTASTIC.
I really want a lot of different people to audition.
The better the variety, the more options from which we have to decide.
I think, thus far, the ideas I've thought up casting-wise have been creative.
BUT, that could change if the right people pop in.
So far, my excitement hasn't subsided.
I keep thinking up different things that need to be done, and, if I CAN do them now, I attack them.
Then, there are the certain instances where I realize something that will need to be done once Little Johnny Jones is done and I have the theatre for Treasure Island.
THOSE are the instances which are killing me.
Beacause I have this overwhelming desire to get everything done and ready NOW.
At that point, I attempt to remind myself that we have til the END of MARCH to get everything done.
The end of March.
That's two months away.
It's hard to feed yourself a chill pill.
It can be done though.
Don't be surprised when I'm spazzing out excited at auditions.
I think I'll end up hugging EVERYONE just for the sheer fact that they showed up.
It's going to be an amazing show.
It totally is.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Character break down....
This is a semi break down of the characters.
Please note that the "ages" I list are the ages for the characters and not the actors for whom I am looking.
The actors could be just about any age. (Make-up, Make-up, Make-up...)
The characters are listed in order of appearance...
1. Bill- An old seadog with an unhealthy addiction to Rum who befriends Jim, and terrrorizes the neighbors. As the tale moves along, you learn why he seems so paranoid... (age is in the 50's)
2. Jim- A sweet, honest, and brave boy, Jim lives alone with his widowed mother. He craves adventure, and is the protagonist of the story. (ages 12-17)
3. Mrs. Hawkins- An honest, upright woman, Mrs. Hawkins also seems to have been weathered away by life. She owns the Admiral Benbow Inn and works hard to provide for her son Jim, who she loves dearly. (Age is in the 40's)
4. Dr. Livesey- The local doctor and a Magistrate. Dr. Livesey appears to be a no-nonsense man, yet there is still a twinkle of adventure in his eye. (30's-40's)
5. Black Dog- A vicious Pirate with no good on her adgenda. (Ages 30's-40's) (Though this character was originally listed as a man, I have decided to change Black Dog to a woman. I think it will truly add to the ruthlessness of the character. It will also add different levels to the dialogue between this character and Bill.)
6. Blind Pew- This man is the most evil of all the characters. Don't let the poor, decrepid blind beggar persona fool you. (Ages 50's-60's) (Though the character is male, I am going to cast a young woman in this role.)
7. George Merry- A greedy pirate, loyal to the wrong cause. (Ages 20's-30's)
8. Tom Morgan- Same as Merry
9. Squire Trelawney- Trelawney is a bubbly and kind man, though very naive. He also seems to be a big nerd for pirate stuff.... (ages 20's-30's)
10. Redruth \
11. Hunter -These men are servants. Very loyal, and don't speak much. Ages 19-25
12. Joyce /
13. Captain Smollett- A true pirate, but a good man. Smollett is a no-nonsense man and runs a tight ship. But he does have a heart (age is in the 50's)
14. Long John Silver- A sea-faring man with one leg... You find yourself second guessing where Silver's loyaty lies til the very end. (age is in the 50's)
15. Mr. Arrow- A true Pirate, Arrow is the first mate of the ship, Smollet's right hand man. (Ages 40's- 50's)
16. Dick- A young pirate who truly wants to learn the way of the sea. Dick seems to be an impressionable youth... (age is in the 20's)
17. Israel Hands- A rutheless pirate up to no good. (Age is in the 40's)
18. O’Brien Same as Hands
19. Alan- Same as Hands
20. Gray- A pirate who chooses to fight for justice rather than mutiny. (ages 30's- 40's)
21. Ben Gunn- Ben is a half-crazed ex pirate who has been marooned on the island for many years. (age undetermined)
Please note that the "ages" I list are the ages for the characters and not the actors for whom I am looking.
The actors could be just about any age. (Make-up, Make-up, Make-up...)
The characters are listed in order of appearance...
1. Bill- An old seadog with an unhealthy addiction to Rum who befriends Jim, and terrrorizes the neighbors. As the tale moves along, you learn why he seems so paranoid... (age is in the 50's)
2. Jim- A sweet, honest, and brave boy, Jim lives alone with his widowed mother. He craves adventure, and is the protagonist of the story. (ages 12-17)
3. Mrs. Hawkins- An honest, upright woman, Mrs. Hawkins also seems to have been weathered away by life. She owns the Admiral Benbow Inn and works hard to provide for her son Jim, who she loves dearly. (Age is in the 40's)
4. Dr. Livesey- The local doctor and a Magistrate. Dr. Livesey appears to be a no-nonsense man, yet there is still a twinkle of adventure in his eye. (30's-40's)
5. Black Dog- A vicious Pirate with no good on her adgenda. (Ages 30's-40's) (Though this character was originally listed as a man, I have decided to change Black Dog to a woman. I think it will truly add to the ruthlessness of the character. It will also add different levels to the dialogue between this character and Bill.)
6. Blind Pew- This man is the most evil of all the characters. Don't let the poor, decrepid blind beggar persona fool you. (Ages 50's-60's) (Though the character is male, I am going to cast a young woman in this role.)
7. George Merry- A greedy pirate, loyal to the wrong cause. (Ages 20's-30's)
8. Tom Morgan- Same as Merry
9. Squire Trelawney- Trelawney is a bubbly and kind man, though very naive. He also seems to be a big nerd for pirate stuff.... (ages 20's-30's)
10. Redruth \
11. Hunter -These men are servants. Very loyal, and don't speak much. Ages 19-25
12. Joyce /
13. Captain Smollett- A true pirate, but a good man. Smollett is a no-nonsense man and runs a tight ship. But he does have a heart (age is in the 50's)
14. Long John Silver- A sea-faring man with one leg... You find yourself second guessing where Silver's loyaty lies til the very end. (age is in the 50's)
15. Mr. Arrow- A true Pirate, Arrow is the first mate of the ship, Smollet's right hand man. (Ages 40's- 50's)
16. Dick- A young pirate who truly wants to learn the way of the sea. Dick seems to be an impressionable youth... (age is in the 20's)
17. Israel Hands- A rutheless pirate up to no good. (Age is in the 40's)
18. O’Brien Same as Hands
19. Alan- Same as Hands
20. Gray- A pirate who chooses to fight for justice rather than mutiny. (ages 30's- 40's)
21. Ben Gunn- Ben is a half-crazed ex pirate who has been marooned on the island for many years. (age undetermined)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
20 days... and counting... and counting.. and counting...
I woke up this morning, looked at my phone and saw that it is indeed the 11th.
Which can only mean we have 20 days til auditions.
Two weeks and six days.
But hey...
Who's counting?
The scripts still aren't in, which is really frustrating for me.
They were supposed to be in this past week, which only means they will definitely be in THIS week.
In more positive news, James and I finally met up at the Tuscan Table last night so I could go over all the play details.
(James will be my assistant director for the show and I know he's going to do a great job.)
That was fun.
Because I think I may have overwhelmed him at certain instances.
I spared him the painful details of the blocking, knowing full well that would've taken a good hour to go through.
However, I cover everything else I've worked on, including details about each character.
I was hoping to give him a script for his own BUT that's another story...
I am really hoping that meeting with him last night will help me in the next few weeks...
Or it could just make me even more anxious to get started.
I'm about 3/4 of the way finished with my emotional blocking.
This has proven to be more tedious than the actual movement blocking, if possible.
On the flip side, it seems to help to put thoughts on paper.
I find I'm writing out notes in the script to offer later or to refer back if need be.
Once the scripts finally come in, I'll be able to take a copy to the library and start making all the neccessary arrangements with them.
Until then, I'll just play the waiting game.....
I woke up this morning, looked at my phone and saw that it is indeed the 11th.
Which can only mean we have 20 days til auditions.
Two weeks and six days.
But hey...
Who's counting?
The scripts still aren't in, which is really frustrating for me.
They were supposed to be in this past week, which only means they will definitely be in THIS week.
In more positive news, James and I finally met up at the Tuscan Table last night so I could go over all the play details.
(James will be my assistant director for the show and I know he's going to do a great job.)
That was fun.
Because I think I may have overwhelmed him at certain instances.
I spared him the painful details of the blocking, knowing full well that would've taken a good hour to go through.
However, I cover everything else I've worked on, including details about each character.
I was hoping to give him a script for his own BUT that's another story...
I am really hoping that meeting with him last night will help me in the next few weeks...
Or it could just make me even more anxious to get started.
I'm about 3/4 of the way finished with my emotional blocking.
This has proven to be more tedious than the actual movement blocking, if possible.
On the flip side, it seems to help to put thoughts on paper.
I find I'm writing out notes in the script to offer later or to refer back if need be.
Once the scripts finally come in, I'll be able to take a copy to the library and start making all the neccessary arrangements with them.
Until then, I'll just play the waiting game.....
Friday, January 9, 2009
Character list and synopsis
I thought I'd put up a list of characters for fun.
If you've read Treasure Island, all these names will sound familiar.
If not, I'd say a visit to Wikipedia is in store for you....
This site has a really great synopsis of the novel.
After reading it, it's actually a fairly great synopsis of the play's storyline as well...
The characters marked with * are pirates
1. Bill*
2. Jim
3. Mrs. Hawkins
4. Dr. Livesey
5. Black Dog*
6. Blind Pew*
7. George Merry*
8. Tom Morgan*
9. Squire Trelawney
10. Redruth
11. Hunter
12. Joyce
13. Captain Smollett*
14. Long John Silver*
15. Mr. Arrow*
16. Dick*
17. Israel Hands*
18. O’Brien*
19. Alan*
20. Gray*
21. Ben Gunn*
If you've read Treasure Island, all these names will sound familiar.
If not, I'd say a visit to Wikipedia is in store for you....
This site has a really great synopsis of the novel.
After reading it, it's actually a fairly great synopsis of the play's storyline as well...
The characters marked with * are pirates
1. Bill*
2. Jim
3. Mrs. Hawkins
4. Dr. Livesey
5. Black Dog*
6. Blind Pew*
7. George Merry*
8. Tom Morgan*
9. Squire Trelawney
10. Redruth
11. Hunter
12. Joyce
13. Captain Smollett*
14. Long John Silver*
15. Mr. Arrow*
16. Dick*
17. Israel Hands*
18. O’Brien*
19. Alan*
20. Gray*
21. Ben Gunn*
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Set design... kinda....

The set will be fairly simple in detail and, I hope, in construction.
The Inn will consist of a large flat with a door and a window and a fireplace, along with tables and chair.
Contrary to my first interpretation, I decided to not have a back flat.
To change the set, I'm going to have the actors move down stage so they are standing in front of the curtain when it closes.
If all goes well, the Inn set pieces go offstage, and the back curtains are opened to reveal the back railing of the ship, which will be higher than that on the front of the ship, which I want to be on the very front of the stage, but it'll probably need to be behind the curtain, which is do-able.
Then the curtain opens, and there is a mast in the middle of the stage.
The trapdoor is opened so, when the time comes, the "pirates" will be "loading up the ship" by taking boxes onto the ship and down below.
It's going to be cool.
I'm debating on a platform SR to signify where the helm would be...
I dunno...
Set change for the Island/stockade scenes will be during intermission.
That'll consist of pushing everything back behind the back curtain and pulling on trees/brush and the stockade AKA a large flat of some sort.
I've decided to utilize the staircases in the front of the stage.
We have three and, by jove, I'm going to use them.
If all goes well, the scene changes will flow nicely and carry out well throughout the show.
Needless to say, I will need a surefooted set crew.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Rehearsal schedule
Rehearsal Schedule
February (Rehearsals are 6:30-8:30, unless otherwise noted)
Week 1-9 Blocking pages 1-13 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Customers, Livesey)
10 Go over 1- 13, Block Pages 13-29 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Livesey, Black Dog, Pew, Morgan, Merry, Job, Trelawney, Redruth, Hunter,Joyce)
11 Go Over 1-29
Wk. 2- 16 Blocking pages 28-37 (Squire, Livesy, Smollett, Silver, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, Jim, Black Dog, Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien)
17 Go over 28-37, Block pages 37-51 (Squire, Livesey, Smollett, Silver, Jim, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien)
18 Go Over pages 1-51
Wk.3-23 Blocking Pages 52-69 (Jim, Livesey, Joyce, Hunter, Redruth, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
24 Go over 52-69, Block Pages 69-94 (Jim, Livesey, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
25 Go over 52-94
Wk. 4- 2 Go over Act 2
3 Go Over Act 1
4 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
Wk. 5- 9 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
10 Run Act 1
11 Run Act 2
Wk. 6-16 Run Show Practice Curtain Call
17 Run Show
18 Run Show
Wk. 7-22 Tech Rehearsal- 4:30-TBA (depending on show runtime)
23 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
24 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
25 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
26 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
27 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
28 Play Call time at 6pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
29 Play Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30 pm
1 Brush Up
3 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
4 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
5 play and strike set Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30
February (Rehearsals are 6:30-8:30, unless otherwise noted)
Week 1-9 Blocking pages 1-13 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Customers, Livesey)
10 Go over 1- 13, Block Pages 13-29 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Livesey, Black Dog, Pew, Morgan, Merry, Job, Trelawney, Redruth, Hunter,Joyce)
11 Go Over 1-29
Wk. 2- 16 Blocking pages 28-37 (Squire, Livesy, Smollett, Silver, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, Jim, Black Dog, Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien)
17 Go over 28-37, Block pages 37-51 (Squire, Livesey, Smollett, Silver, Jim, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien)
18 Go Over pages 1-51
Wk.3-23 Blocking Pages 52-69 (Jim, Livesey, Joyce, Hunter, Redruth, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
24 Go over 52-69, Block Pages 69-94 (Jim, Livesey, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
25 Go over 52-94
Wk. 4- 2 Go over Act 2
3 Go Over Act 1
4 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
Wk. 5- 9 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
10 Run Act 1
11 Run Act 2
Wk. 6-16 Run Show Practice Curtain Call
17 Run Show
18 Run Show
Wk. 7-22 Tech Rehearsal- 4:30-TBA (depending on show runtime)
23 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
24 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
25 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
26 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
27 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
28 Play Call time at 6pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
29 Play Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30 pm
1 Brush Up
3 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
4 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
5 play and strike set Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Counting down: 24 days!
As of today, we've got 24 days til auditions and I am pumped!
The scripts will be here by the end of the week.
I'm pretty much ready to go...
I've got all the blocking written down, along with light and sound cues.
I have my set design down.
The schedule is ready to go.
I have the scenes broken down.
I have a props list and what act/scene/actor with which they are set and used.
I still have to mark on which side of the stage they to be, which won't be hard.
After Little Johnny Jones, I'm going to start going through the costume stuff and decipher what I need vs what the theatre has.
Now all I need are the actors...
24 days to go.....
The scripts will be here by the end of the week.
I'm pretty much ready to go...
I've got all the blocking written down, along with light and sound cues.
I have my set design down.
The schedule is ready to go.
I have the scenes broken down.
I have a props list and what act/scene/actor with which they are set and used.
I still have to mark on which side of the stage they to be, which won't be hard.
After Little Johnny Jones, I'm going to start going through the costume stuff and decipher what I need vs what the theatre has.
Now all I need are the actors...
24 days to go.....
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