I woke up this morning, looked at my phone and saw that it is indeed the 11th.
Which can only mean we have 20 days til auditions.
Two weeks and six days.
But hey...
Who's counting?
The scripts still aren't in, which is really frustrating for me.
They were supposed to be in this past week, which only means they will definitely be in THIS week.
In more positive news, James and I finally met up at the Tuscan Table last night so I could go over all the play details.
(James will be my assistant director for the show and I know he's going to do a great job.)
That was fun.
Because I think I may have overwhelmed him at certain instances.
I spared him the painful details of the blocking, knowing full well that would've taken a good hour to go through.
However, I cover everything else I've worked on, including details about each character.
I was hoping to give him a script for his own BUT that's another story...
I am really hoping that meeting with him last night will help me in the next few weeks...
Or it could just make me even more anxious to get started.
I'm about 3/4 of the way finished with my emotional blocking.
This has proven to be more tedious than the actual movement blocking, if possible.
On the flip side, it seems to help to put thoughts on paper.
I find I'm writing out notes in the script to offer later or to refer back if need be.
Once the scripts finally come in, I'll be able to take a copy to the library and start making all the neccessary arrangements with them.
Until then, I'll just play the waiting game.....
Yeah, we went to the library to see if the script was there. We were bummed, too. The kids were wanting to read about all the different characters. Whose James? Do we know him?