(Robert, Katie, Tabitha, Richard, Chase, Jake, and Sam)
Most of the cast is working almost completely off book, or at least striving to do so, and that is great!
I've got just about everyone's bios.
Waiting for a few more, and then it's off to the printers!!!
Tonight, Robert added a deliciously hilarious twist to a scene that should really make the audience roll.
This show is really a funny one, full of jokes for adults and kids.
I've purposely pushing the cast to recognize those funny lines and make sure they bring them to life so the audience can fully appreciate them.
Everytime they say a "joke" I make them stop and circle it, saying,"JOKE! That's a funny line! CIRCLE IT!"
They get most of the lines, though, so it's really coming along smoothly.
I think Junia will agree with me when I say that not a rehearsal goes by that I don't smile and laugh, so greatful for the awesome cast we all created.
Thanks guys!
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