
This is the blog site for the Roundtown Player's children's production.
Read, enjoy, and comment!

Monday, February 27, 2012


There was a lot of love in this production. There was a lot of headache too, lol, but there was so much laughter and love. I learned several lessons in the past couple of months. I finally learned the value of delegation. I also thought up a more efficient audition process.:o)
This cast was made up of veterans and newbies, kids that didn't really know each other a few months ago. Yesterday, there were hugs, jokes, and tears of goodbyes. My kids are so precious to me. I love directing these shows because I get to watch them transform as actors and as people. I get to watch them grow with the knowledge they glean from their production, from each other, and from me.

I'll miss these kids and I look forward to the next show. 

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