I am currently in the process of copying scripts and putting everything together.
As the scripts were $20 a pop, I'm doing a little bit of surgical work so that everyone has a copy of whatever part of the production in which they are involved.
I only have 11 copies of the actual script, and I'm going to assign those to the characters that are throughout the production.
This isn't so much about who's more important or better.
NONE of that, because EVERYONE is important.
It's all a matter of scheming and saving trees.
So, this week's main mode of insanity is, indeed, the scripts.
There are things about which others don't tell you when you start out on your first directing gig.
I imagine this is what it's like when you first bring home your baby or when you first get married.
You always learn things about yourself and the situation that you never saw coming...
BUT, it's fabulous.
Our first rehearsal is Monday....
I am totally pumped!!!!
We're going to need Jim, Mrs. H, Bill, the CUSTOMERS, and Dr. L on Monday.
Then, Tuesday, Jim, Bill, Mrs. H, Dr. L, Black Dog, Blind Pew, Morgan, Merry, Squire, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, and the PIRATES group.
Wednesday, we're going over pages 1-29, which means EVERYONE from Monday and Tuesday.
Rehearsal Schedule
February (Rehearsals are 6:30-8:30, unless otherwise noted)
Week 1-9 Blocking pages 1-13 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Customers, Livesey)
10 Go over 1- 13, Block Pages 13-29 (Jim, Mrs. Hawkins, Bill, Livesey, Black Dog, Pew,
Morgan, Merry, Job, Trelawney, Redruth, Hunter,Joyce)
11 Go Over 1-29
Wk. 2- 16 Blocking pages 28-37 (Squire, Livesy, Smollett, Silver, (Squire, Livesey, Smollett, Silver, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce, Jim, Black Dog Dog,
Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien )
17 Go over 28-37, Block pages 37-51 (Squire, Livesey, Smollett, Silver, Jim, Redruth, Hunter, Joyce,
Arrow, Merry, Dick, Morgan, Hands, O'Brien )
18 Go Over pages 1-51
Wk.3-23 Blocking Pages 52-69 (Jim, Livesey, Joyce, Hunter, Redruth, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
24 Go over 52-69, Block Pages 69-94 (Jim, Livesey, Squire, Smollett, Pirates, Ben Gunn)
25 Go over 52-94
Wk. 4- 2 Go over Act 2
3 Go Over Act 1
4 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
Wk. 5- 9 Go Over Combat scenes (Actors TBA)
10 Run Act 1
11 Run Act 2
Wk. 6-16 Run Show Practice Curtain Call
17 Run Show
18 Run Show
Wk. 7-22 Tech Rehearsal- 4:30-TBA (depending on show runtime)
23 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
24 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
25 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
26 Run Play Call time at 6 pm. Curtain at 7 pm
27 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
28 Play Call time at 6pm Curtain at 7:30 pm
29 Play Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30 pm
1 Brush Up
3 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
4 Play Call time at 6 pm Curtain at 7:30
5 play and strike set Call time at 1 pm Curtain at 2:30