This is the blog site for the Roundtown Player's children's production.
Read, enjoy, and comment!
Read, enjoy, and comment!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Another show is over. Another cast bade fond farewells to the RTP stage. This production brought a lot of new faces and new lessons for both the cast and myself. I discovered how truly amazing kids are when you give them the challenge of Shakespeare's language. I love the children of RTP. Every show brings me a new appreciation for theatre and for children. Although I am a bit exhausted from directing for now, I look forward to finding another stellar script for a summer show.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Brush up and Pre-Second Weekend
Tonight was brush up. We went with a somewhat serious run through for brush up tonight. I figured with all of the kids and most of them being new or unfamiliar with the stage, we didn't need to take a chance in causing any disasters this weekend do to shenanigans during brush up. The actors did well and are enthusiastic about their second weekend. We'll see how they feel come 5:30 tomorrow.
BTW, I can't believe I am almost done with my fifth children's show. I can't believe I've directed six show in two years. At least I think it's been six shows...
BTW, I can't believe I am almost done with my fifth children's show. I can't believe I've directed six show in two years. At least I think it's been six shows...
I mean, I started working on Treasure Island in 2008 and then it went up in 2009. Then I had the summer show, Wizard of Wonderland. After that I started working on Kidsummer Night's Dream which went up this past February. And then there was this past summer's show, All I Really Need To Know I Learned By Being in a Bad Play. While performing in Richard III and working on this show (Hamlet or Does Father Reeeeeeally Know Best?), I directed Home for Columbus Civic. My goodness. I must be insane.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
First weekend
Well, the first weekend is over and, wow, it was awesome. The kids were amazing and the audiences really appreciated the show. I am truly proud of this production. I cannot say enough wonderful things about the cast and crew. I really appreciate all of the work and dedication that has gone into this show. The kids and parents have all put so much effort and have brought so much life to the show. So many things that have made this show great were presented and adopted by the actors. They really are such a brilliant cast.
I can't wait to see what happens next weekend.
I can't wait to see what happens next weekend.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tech Week
Well, we started Tech Week this past weekend. We've come a long way in the past week. The children have completely memorized their lines and we figured out tech, props, set, and costume glitches. WOOT! As I told the cast tonight, we have a show. We have a fantastic show. Tomorrow, Trish from the Circleville Herald is coming to take pictures and write up a story on the show. Thursday we have a boy scout troop coming. THEN we OFFICIALLY open Friday night. So, technically, this evening's rehearsal was our final dress before we perform for an audience. We've come so far, and now we begin the next step of the theatrical journey. I am truly excited to see what this weekend and next weekend bring for the kids and for the audience members who will no doubt be enthralled by the kids.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The importance of Theatre in a child's life
I have been active in the Central Ohio theatre community since 2004, starting with Roundtown Players. My first attempt at directing was as one of the assistant directors of RTP's 2006 production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Now, I had acted in church plays and pageants as a child but theatre and its impact on young people didn't strike me until LWW. That was also the same show that ignited my desire to direct and discover all of the facets of theatre. Since that show, I have assisted two productions and directed six productions (all but one were children's plays). With each show I met new children and families, some brand new to theatre, some veteran actors, and some looking for a new theatre home. I started noticing, with great delight, if I had a brand new actor in one show I could bet they'd be back for the next show's auditions. They had caught the theatre bug! Hizzah! But what exactly was it that drew them in? What is it about theatre that brings the kids back each season, each year, each production? I have pondered these questions many times over. And then I was asked to sit down and actually write out my opinion of the importance and impact of theatre in a child's life. AH! A chance to organize my thoughts and figure out the answers to my own questions.
The first thing that often came to my mind is the simple fact that children enjoy being on stage. They enjoy being center stage, hot lights following their every move, the air carrying their words as they recite and emote. But that goes deeper than simple adolescent ego. I have had so many children on stage that started out quiet, reserved, shy, almost terrified of the stage. I thought they would faint during their auditions they were so timid. And yet, because I believe in giving children chances to prove themselves, I would cast them, and, through working with them and helping them discover their stage presence and voice, they became theatre monsters. Many of these children have also discovered a new level of confidence in themselves as individuals and as actors.
In addition to confidence, a lot of RTP's young actors have come back because they crave knowledge and experience. When a child steps on stage with a script in hand, they begin a special journey. They learn to develop a new character, along with discovering a new story. They also become serious about growing within themselves. Growing as an actor goes beyond learning the difference between upstage, downstage, stage left, stage right, yadayadayada. I have performed with adults who could learn a thing or two from some of the youngsters who have graced the RTP stage. These kids tackle their lines along with the direction they receive; they truly want to mature. There is depth in the souls of these true performers.
Camaraderie is another driving force behind children in theatre. A lot of my actors, current or past, have been a grand mix of homeschoolers and young folks who attend public school. Some of them have been brand new to Circleville, looking for a place to fit in or just trying to figure out where they belong. A lot of friendships have been developed in our Green Room and backstage. Some of these actors have grown up together on the RTP stage. Families bring their friends and their children's friends to RTP. When I directed Treasure Island, I had two brothers come to try out for the show, having just heard of RTP the morning of auditions. Their friend had dragged them along to audition. Although neither of them had acted before, I cast them, and I am so glad I did. Since that day, they have been in several RTP productions; some of these shows were under my direction. Now one of the brothers is in college, studying theatre.
Something that always tickles me is when I have a child or children from one family audition and perform in a show and then I see their parent(s) audition for later productions. A lot of times, when a child is involved in a show, the whole family becomes involved. Then, I see a family grow together within a new activity they can enjoy together and with other families.
Overall, theatre will always present so many important opportunities to positively impact a child's life, though these opportunities may vary depending on the young person. With each production, I am blessed to see each actor grow in some way. These days especially, young people need to be led towards more positive outlets for their talents. They need to mingle with others who will uplift them and support their abilities, young and old. For those of us “adults” in the theatre, it is our responsibility to embrace every child who enters our theatre, RTP or otherwise. We must remember to happily put the “community” in Community Theatre.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Week Four, Night Two
Tonight was a bit rough. Everyone was off book, including Cora and I. It was a harsh reality check for some of the actors when they couldn't call for line. There were, regrettably, some tears. I never like to see a child cry, and I tried to prevent that from happening. However, I cannot force the actors to memorize their lines. They must learn the importance of doing so on their own. Ugh. I have faith in the cast though. I think tonight was lesson enough for them.
We have most of our costumes together, yay! Now I must focus on lights, boo.
I decided to throw some of the actors into costume for an impromptu picture call. The results were stunning to say the least. With a little Photoshop magic, I created these...
We have most of our costumes together, yay! Now I must focus on lights, boo.
I decided to throw some of the actors into costume for an impromptu picture call. The results were stunning to say the least. With a little Photoshop magic, I created these...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Week Four
The actors were given their last day on book last week. Tomorrow shall present a challenge to them as they will no doubt struggle, some of them. I have faith that our cast shall be just fine within the next few days though. Kids pick up these things so well.
Last week Junia choreographed Hamlet (Carrie L.) and Laertes' (Tate S.) fight scene with the help of Connor S. and Heath R.
This week, I am going to find all of our costumes, buckle down on lights and music for the pre-show, and enlist the assistance of my S.M., Cora D., to find the rest of our props and set pieces. This show is going to be amazing.
Last week Junia choreographed Hamlet (Carrie L.) and Laertes' (Tate S.) fight scene with the help of Connor S. and Heath R.
This week, I am going to find all of our costumes, buckle down on lights and music for the pre-show, and enlist the assistance of my S.M., Cora D., to find the rest of our props and set pieces. This show is going to be amazing.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Week Three, Night One
Tonight we ran over the first part of the show several times, trying to solidify the blocking a bit more. The kids are working with their lines, grasping Shakespeare's language more and more. I'm working with Carrie L., our Hamlet, on her lines and blocking. I'm presenting the kids with more motivation and emotion to push their lines. I'm so excited to see what the kids present over the next few weeks. :o)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Week Two, Night One
This cast is tackling the script quite well already. This is one of the reasons why I love directing kids. You can present almost any challenge to them and they will rise to accomplish it with little to no hesitation. I started giving individual actors directions on their characters, sort of a jumping-off point/motivation/drive behind their lines. I'm excited to see where these guys take their roles. :o)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Week One, Night Two
Tonight's rehearsal was crazy, lol. Our cast is very high energy and delightful. Everyone is brimming with ideas and anticipation for what each night will bring. I cannot wait to see what the actors will do once their hands are free of scripts. :oD YAY!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Week One, Night One
This evening marked the first rehearsal for the cast of Hamlet or Does Father Reeeeeeally Know Best? and it was great. I decided to try a new blocking technique with the kids. Instead of blocking as the kids went through their lines, I covered each blocking note first, page by page. Once the actors had their blocking notes in their scripts, we then ran through most of the show with the lines and blocking. The kids did really well with on their first blocking run.
Before the cast arrived in the theatre, I sat down with the script and got most of the lighting blocking down and in the computer program. :o) YAY!
This week, I'm planning on pulling out costumes that may work with this production and see what we're lacking. My hope is to have a really well costumed cast for this show, elaborate and colorful. We'll see where that goes...
Before the cast arrived in the theatre, I sat down with the script and got most of the lighting blocking down and in the computer program. :o) YAY!
This week, I'm planning on pulling out costumes that may work with this production and see what we're lacking. My hope is to have a really well costumed cast for this show, elaborate and colorful. We'll see where that goes...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Hamlet Cast List
Once again we had the extremely difficult job of casting. UGH. There were so many awesome actors who came out to audition, 33 total. Having a huge turn out is awesome until I realize that I only have 14 parts in the show. :o( However, I think we made a great final cast decision.
Hamlet- Carrie Love
Claudius- Jarrod Bess
Gertrude- Jackie Richardson
Ghost- Heath Ramey
Ophelia- Allyson Withers
Polonius- Connor Stonerock
Laertes- Tate Shannon
Horatio- Makenzie Moore
Marcellus- Emily Dengler
Guards/Gravediggers- Allie Wood, Flynn Shannon
Narrators-Emily Allen, Katie Warner, Nathan Arni
Sunday, August 15, 2010
This show was a hoot. The cast was amazing. If you missed the show you missed a great piece of theatre. These guys in this picture were a great cast. They worked well together and just pumped it up.
Shows like this makes me so excited for the next one. This was a great summer show and each of the actors should be proud of themselves.
This show reminded me of the beauty of delegation, time management, and relaxing.
Love you all!
Shows like this makes me so excited for the next one. This was a great summer show and each of the actors should be proud of themselves.
This show reminded me of the beauty of delegation, time management, and relaxing.
Love you all!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Actors bios for our program!
Robert Neal (Narrator)
Counting this production, this is Robert's 5th show with Roundtown and his 4th with Tahrea as director. These have included, Treasure Island and Arsenic and Old Lace. He is 19 and has graduated High school, and hopefully going to Shawnee State next year. He has enjoyed working with Tahrea and thanks his family for their constant support for his spiraling insanity.
Henry Laux (Director)
Henry is 15 and is into music. He plays soccer and wrestles. He has been a number of past RTP productions including Grease, Pinocchio, and The Madwoman of Chaillot.
Katie Warner (Flapjack)
Hi, I'm Katie Warner. I am 12 years old and this is my 10th play. I am playing the part of Flapjack and having tons of fun! Some other things I like to do ( besides acting) are playing basketball, soccer, singing, and hanging out with my friends. Oh, and you two directors out there..........YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!
Jessica Minney (Director's Inner Voice)
Jessica is 16 years old and will be attending her junior year at CHS. This is her third play (Wizard of Wonderland, Kidsummer Night's Dream) working under Tahrea and Junia and her fourth play overall (I Never Sang for My Father). She loves working for Tahrea and Junia because Tahrea.... “Makes sure”... you are acting to your to your full potential. Junia is the motherlike figure everyone runs to for protection. Jessica would like to thank everyone who supports her and shun those who don't.
Allyson Withers (Actor's Inner Voice)
I am 9 years old and in the 4th grade at Court Street School. I was in Kidsummer Night's Dream and this is my 2nd RTP production. I love softball, silly bandz, Joe Jonas, webkinz, and ACTING! I love Tahrea..she is the awesomest (is that a word?) director ever! Peace Out.
Connor Stonerock (Romeo)
Connor is 11 years old and in the 6th grade at Saltcreek Elementary. This is his 2nd production with RTP. He enjoys acting, sports, and go kart racing. A special thank you to Tahrea and Junia...you guys are the best!!!!
Zoie Amey (Juliet)
Zoie Amey is 9 years old and is so excited to be in her 1st production with RTP. In her free time, Zoie enjoys reading, crafts, volleyball, swimming, and talking on the phone. She will be a 4th grader this fall at Court Street Intermediate. She would like to thank her family for their constant love and support.
Maryane Kimbler (Counselor)
Maryane Kimbler is 18 and a recent graduate of Logan Elm. She has appeared in a couple of shows including The Crucible (Sarah Goode), 30 Reasons Not to be in a Play, and Somewhere Else Dreams. She was the Improv Team Leader at Logan Elm for two years. Maryane plans to attend Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Her goal is to work for Disney, Pixar, or Dream Works. “I'd like to tell Tahrea she's the best!!! It was so much fun working with you, I always looked forward to play practice! You act just like one of us kids and have the best ideas! I just love how your mind works.”
Carley Derexson (Bill)
Hi my name is Carley I am 10 years old . I will be going into the 5th grade at Court Street Inter mediate. My character is Bill/Actor 1. Other plays I have been in are Kidsummer Nights Dream and some church plays. Hope you enjoy the show. :)
Rhiannon Hood (Samantha)
Hi there I'm Rhiannon Hood let's see here what don't you know about me? Well if your a family member you might know a lot about me, but if your a complete stranger you might not know anything about me unless your a stalker, that's a different story. I'm 13 years old from Circleville, OH.
I'm going to be in 8th grade at Mcdowell Exchange school. (Yes! only 5 more years to go!) This is the 2nd play I've been in I was in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as an Ompaloompa, I have 2 cats, 1 dog and unfortunately I have only 1 sibling and unfortunately she's 4 years older than me... You do the math. When I grow up I want to work with animals, be a comedian, travel the United States on a bicycle, end my journey either in Las Vegas or California, host the Oscars, meet Sandra Bullock, Brad Pitt and you can't forget the one and only. . . ELLEN DEGENERES!!! I'm a major fan! I want to be on the cover of Forbes magazine, smiling next to Oprah and the Queen, oh I'm thinking of a song but I do want to have a nice pay check and help out with charity. My goal every day is to make everyone or someone smile or laugh. I like to ride my bike, learn history, learn about celebrities that I don't already know, travel, landscape, paint, and most of all what I really love doing and what I'm great at doing: just be myself! That's just half the things you just learned about me but I won't make you be bored there you go. WAIT! I didn't tell you I play SAMANTHA/Actor #11 in the play! Okay there you go.
Emily Allen (Kelly)
Hi, my name is Emily Allen. My parents are Scott and Anne Allen . I am 9 years old and will be in 4th grade at Washington Elementary School. I tried out for Roundtown Players because my music teacher, Mrs. Barns, said that she thought I would be good at it and enjoy acting. She was right. The reason she said that was because I tried out for being Nelly Bly . I love acting, being on stage and being in a play. Everyone is nice and has made my first experience of being in a play alot of fun! I'm also glad I listened to Mrs. Barns. I guess sometimes grownups know what they are talking about. I think the play will be funny and weird. The Director, Tahrea, aka Mcfunnypants, I really like her because . . . . . . . .well . . . . .she likes me , cares about people, and is the funniest person I know .
Mackenzie Beard (Francis)
Mackenzie is 10 years old and is going in to fifth grade. This is her second play and she would like to thank Tahrea for making the rehearsals so much fun.
Cora Derexson (Warm-up Coach)
Hi, I'm Cora Derexson and I am 17 years old and I am a senior at Circleville High School. I also play volleyball. I have been in 5 theater productions: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, No, No, Nannette, The Hot Mikado and A Kidsummer Night's Dream. This is my first real Roundtown production but the ice monkeys makes this my second production with Roundtown. This play has made my summer fun and exciting. The cast has been unbelievable and a blast to work with. Tahrea I love you and you are an amazing director an you make rehearsals so much fun. Junia you are a blast to work with too. Thanks!
Tiffany Speakman (Terry)
Tiffany Speakman is a Junior at Circleville High School. This is her 2nd RTP production, her first being A Kidsummer Night's Dream this past winter. Her character, Terry, is the uptight stage manager that loves to boss people around. She's really excited to be in this play with her amazing directors Tahrea and Junia. Tiffany is delighted to have the chance to work with this amazing cast.
Jake Six (Tybalt)
Jake Six is a seventh grader at Teays Valley Middle School West. "All Really I Need to Know..." is his third play and he hope there will be many more. He is glad to be a part of the Round Town Players family. His hobbies are building with Legos, video games, and swimming. He thinks this play is hilarious and hopes everyone enjoys it.
Cameron Aume (Usher)
Cameron Aume is going into the 6th grade at Salt Creek Elementary in Logan Elm. My favorite sport is baseball, but I also like football. My pet rats are called Ann and Ratty McRatty Pants. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to tell you that I'm playing the part of the "Usher".
Ally Roberts (Kay)
Ten-year-old Ally Grace Roberts is an 8-year veteran of Roundtown Players. Included in her resume are a stage debut with her dad in When the Oldest Baby Jesus Got Lost and an award-winning role as a squirrel in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. She adores her Roundtown Players family and gratefully thanks her big sisters Mary, Lillie, and Samantha, and directors Tahrea and Junia for inspiration and encouragement.
Hannah Mogan (Actor # 10)
Hi! My name is Hannah Mogan. I am 10 years old, and I am going into the 5th grade at Court Street Intermediate. This is my 3rd play at RTP. It's so much fun! I love everything about being in theatre! I love Tahrea & Junia... they're awesome!
Kasey Derexson (Actor #12)
Hello my name is Kasey Derexson! I am 14 years old and will be a freshman at CHS this year. This is my 4th play I have been in. I have been in Pinnochio, Treasure island, Kidsummer Nights Dream. My character is actor 12. Hope u enjoy the show!
Abigail Blust (Actor #6) My name is Abigail Blust. I am 10 years old and will be in the 5th grade this year. My character in the play is Actor Number 6. I enjoy music, especially Jonas Brothers!! I also enjoy having sleep overs with my friends and playing with my neighbor.
Chad Anderson (Tech)
Chad is completing his court-ordered community service hours by managing tech for this show. Though he requested to pick up litter off the side of the highway, to serve on a chain-gang, or to drive bamboo shoots under his own fingernails, the judge thought that working in children's theatre, especially one under the direction of Miss Maynard, would be a more severe punishment for his felonies and parole violations. Unfortunately there are still many more court hearings scheduled throughout the coming months, and any further release of information on Mr. Anderson has been denied by his legal team.
Robert Neal (Lights)
Robert is a recent graduate of Circleville High School. This fall, Robert will be attending Shawnee University. He recently appeared on the Columbus Civic Theatre stage in their production of Love's Labors Lost. Past RTP productions include I Never Sang For My Father, Kidsummer Night's Dream, Arsenic and Old Lace, Wizard of Wonderland, and Treasure Island.
Tahrea Maynard (Director)
This is Tahrea's fourth production as a director and umpteenth RTP production in six years. Tahrea has served on the RTP board for about five years now and truly loves being a member of this wonderful theatre. Tahrea also performs with Rosebriar Shakespeare Company and is currently cast as the Duchess of York in RSC's Richard III. Tahrea recently appeared on Columbus Civic Theatre's stage in their production of No Exit. Tahrea writes theatrical reviews for www.theatrevault.com and teaches Musical Theatre classes with Charmion Performing Arts Center. During the day Tahrea works at the Tuscan Table pretending to live a normal life. “I love my cast and I am so proud of each and every one of the actors. Much love and thanks to Mom, Dad, and my future brother-in-law Tyler for their support and love! I love you guys.”
Junia Maynard (Assistant Director)
Junia is a Freshman at Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music. She has been in six RTP productions and this is her third time assistant directing with her sister. She is very proud of all the kids and she knows that they will all do a fantastic job. She wants to give a shout of to her mom and dad. “Thank you both for supporting Tahrea and I. We love you very much.” To her fiancee Tyler she says, “Ty, thank you for listening to me after every practice explaining every detail. Thank you for your love and support through this adventure. I love you!” To the cast: “I love you all. Break a leg and knock 'em dead!”
Director's Note:
When you find a script titled All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Being in a Bad Play you are compelled to read it, especially if you have ever found yourself involved in an any theatrical event. As I read this script I could picture several productions in my past where the various situations on which this production highlights were quite applicable. I could also envision a handful actors and directors I have known for some time. I am quite certain several of our audience members will feel the same, making the jokes and quips found in our script that much more hilarious.
I am once again beyond pleased by the work our actors put into their characters and their production. Being my fourth production as a director, these young folks never cease to amaze me with their talents, both brand new to RTP and seasoned veterans to the stage (well, as seasoned as a 12-year-old can be). My verbal thanks to these fine actors and their wonderfully supportive families is never enough and yet all I have to express how much I adore them all. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I was lucky to acquire the help of my sister, Junia, one final time before she is whisked away to college and then the ever frightening realm of MARRIAGE. I am forever indebted to Ju for her support and suggestions, her questions, input, and sanity. I love you Juju and I am always grateful to have you. XOXO.
Many thanks to the RTP board for once again allowing me to do what I love.
Thank you, wonderful and always welcome patrons and audience members for returning to our hallowed theatre show after show. You are the reason we remain your community theatre.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tech Week and beyond
I haven't blogged for our current show in a few weeks as I didn't want to seem redundant. NOW we are well into Tech Week. We open in three days and the kids are phenomenal. We are fine tuning costumes and make up details but the acting and the lines are spot on. Each actor has been dedicated to their roles and our production. I am not worried about the kids staying back stage or dropping lines at all. I love it! I can't wait to see what this weekend brings!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Week Two, Nights Three and Four
Our actors are progressing nicely. More lines are being memorized and the set pieces are coming together. I have started painting a flat for the Starbucks sequences (eh, eh? Starbucks peak your interest????) The kids are continually approaching me with ideas for the play, their roles, their lines, other people's parts, the set, sound, etc.... lol. This next week should bring some great things for our wonderful cast.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Week Two, Night Two
Robert N. and Tiffany S. as Narrator and Terry the Stage Manager
This cast is amazing. More kids are stepping onstage without a script, lines memorized and ready to role. I painted a set piece (WOOT!) for a Mars bit and I've pulled down some costume pieces. The light cues should be where they need to be. Now to find sound cues.....
Monday, July 12, 2010
Week Two, Night One
Connor S., Ally R., Kasey D., Abigail B., Jake S., Carley D., Zoie A., Allyson W., Mackenzie B., Katie W., and Hannah M.
Tonight was brilliant. Some cast members are working without a script already! WOOT! I love it! I've pulled down prop pieces to set randomly on the stage, giving it a cluttered, chaotic feel. I also have our lighting cues 99.9% done! Yay! (I left that .1% off just because you never know....) I gave some actors note on their characters and stage presence tonight, but the kids have been really amazing at figuring out mannerisms already. This show is going to be hilarious.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Week One, Night Three
Well, we blocked the entire show this week. One week's rehearsals over and I've already laughed so hard I cried a couple of times. This cast is so quick to pick up on the jokes and bits in the script and are so vibrant in making their characters fun and amusing. They are going to wow and delight their audiences in August. Now that the show is blocked we can start working on characterization. YAY!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Week One, Night Two
Connor S. confronts the Narrator...
Our second night of rehearsals brought more laughs and bright ideas. Each of the cast members are embracing their characters and seem to be brimming with ideas. I started the lighting scheme for the show last night. After the OCTA competition at RTP this weekend, I will be able to start pulling set pieces and props and completely adjust the lights as needed.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Week One, Night One
(Kasey D. and Allyson W.)
Tonight rocked. The cast is so funny! They have ideas for the show and their characters. We only blocked the very first part of the script, but that's because it was so hilarious. So many ideas were flowing. I am sure that once we get the ENTIRE cast together and the show is completely blocked it is going to be out of control. :o)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Read through
From Left to Right: Emily A., Ally R., Abigail B., Cora D. Junia, Tiffany S., and Kasey D. reading along....
Our read through was fabulous. Not all of the actors were there but those that were had a great time. Junia and I have such wonderful and hilarious plans for each of our actors. I can't wait for rehearsals!!!!
Our read through was fabulous. Not all of the actors were there but those that were had a great time. Junia and I have such wonderful and hilarious plans for each of our actors. I can't wait for rehearsals!!!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Auditions went so well! We had so many amazing actors show up and we were so pleased with the variety. Below is the official cast list!!!
Narrator- Robert Neal
Director- Henry Laux
Flapjack- Katie Warner
Director's Inner Voice- Jessica Minney
Actor's Inner Voice- Allyson Withers
Romeo- Connor Stonerock
Juliet- Zoie Amey
Counselor- Maryane Kimbler
Bill- Carley Derexson
Samantha- Rhiannon Hood
Kelly- Emily Allen
Francis- Mackenzie Beard
Warm-up Coach- Cora Derexson
Terry- Tiffany Speakman
Tybalt- Jake Six
Usher- Cameron Aume
Kay- Ally Roberts
Actor #10- Hannah Mogan
Actor #12- Kasey Derexson
Actor #6- Abigail Blust
Narrator- Robert Neal
Director- Henry Laux
Flapjack- Katie Warner
Director's Inner Voice- Jessica Minney
Actor's Inner Voice- Allyson Withers
Romeo- Connor Stonerock
Juliet- Zoie Amey
Counselor- Maryane Kimbler
Bill- Carley Derexson
Samantha- Rhiannon Hood
Kelly- Emily Allen
Francis- Mackenzie Beard
Warm-up Coach- Cora Derexson
Terry- Tiffany Speakman
Tybalt- Jake Six
Usher- Cameron Aume
Kay- Ally Roberts
Actor #10- Hannah Mogan
Actor #12- Kasey Derexson
Actor #6- Abigail Blust
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
BLOCKING All I Really Need....
The scripts are here and I've started working on the blocking of the show. I am really excited as I re-read the script. There are 17 defined roles in this show, with room to double up roles or expand to a larger cast. Each actor will be portraying different personas and different personalities. I am so pumped to stretch the cast and make them think about their varying roles. Plus the show is going to be a hoot. :o)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Auditions for All I Need....
Auditions for the summer show are Saturday June 26th 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and Sunday June 27th 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Those auditioning must memorize a monologue and prepare to read from the script. Auditions will be held at RTP, on the corner of Main and Pickaway in Circleville.
A copy of the script is at the reference desk of the Pickaway County Library on Court St. for perusal purposes. You cannot check it out or take it out of the library but anyone is welcome to read before audition dates.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
2009-2010 audience appreciation awards for Dorothy Meets Alice and Kidsummer
Tonight was the annual RTP banquet. I was not able to go as I am currently in South Carolina on a family vacation. As I wasn't there, someone else gave away the audience appreciation awards to my actors. I was able to send along some kind words for each actors that were read in front of everyone. I wanted to pass along those words....
Dorothy Meets Alice or The Wizard of Wonderland was a delightful show. I loved the script and loved every minute of the rehearsal process (minus the heat). Each of our cast members enhanced our production with something brilliant, heart-warming, and bit frightening at times. This is truly one of those shows where I feel each of the young performers deserved an award. But that's why the directors aren't allowed to vote for these particular awards.
This first actor never ceases to wow audiences. I've learned that she is like a ninja. She looks small in stature, but she is truly a juggernaut onstage. She beams talent and personality and I know big things are in store for her. It should come to no surprise that this first award goes to Miss Katie Warner.
Our next performer has grown at least two feet since I first met her. She has also grown as an actor in our theatre and I am delighted to see that she is getting an audience appreciation award for this role as she worked hard and did it with a smile, Miss Gwenndolyn Aume.
This young man is a somewhat quiet dude, but is quite talented onstage. I cannot wait to work with him again as he is a wonderful actor and has a wonderful ethic when it comes to working in the theatre and with his castmates. I'm am proud to see this award go to Mr. Chase Euton.
These last two awards go to a pair that have rocked RTP for the past year. They walked into auditions for Treasure Island having NO CLUE as to what they were doing and have never left. And for our sakes I hope they never do. They have quickly become a couple of my favorite people. They are always willing to help and help even when they are sick or in a foul mood. Many thanks to Richard and Robert Neal.
A Kidsummer’s Night Dream was a fantastic production. I thought I had bitten off more than I could chew in choosing to do a musical for this past season. I had never directed a musical before though I have been enough to know how much work I had ahead of me. However, the cast, the musicians, and the parents made it a fantastic show. The script isn't actually as hilarious as it may seem. The young folks that made up the cast gave it the charm a lot of you experienced. RTP certainly has an amazing core group of young people that have made the children's productions so vivid and wonderful over the past couple of years.
The first award goes to a young lady who is so helpful and always has a big smile on her face. She has so much talent inside her and definitely shared that talent with us as the wonderfully tragic Helena, Miss Tabitha Clifton.
I was not surprised to see this next young man's name on the list. Though he didn't have a large part, he definitely has a habit of stealing the show. He is a helpful guy and has a great work ethic. I hope to work with him again and again, Mr. Robert Neal.
This young lady comes from a terrific family that has been involved in RTP for several years. I have watched her grow into the wonderful person she has become and I know she will continue to grow and continue to wow us all in the coming years. This award goes to Samantha Roberts.
I could not think of anyone better than this young man to do the role of Nick Bottom. He brought the perfect level of hilarity and absurdity and was an absolutely fantastic addition to our cast. This young man is Sean Anderson.
This young lady blew me away yet again in this production. One of my fondest memories of Kidsummer was watching rehearsals where she alone equaled in volume with the rest of the cast when singing her solos. She is amazing and I love her. Miss Katie Warner.
This young man put so much into his character. Not only did he have to sing and dance, but he had to do most of it in a dress and with a broken wrist. In my opinion he deserves a medal in addition to this award for putting up with so much. Again, many thanks to Richard Neal.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Summer show news!
I ordered the scripts for the summer show today! Fun fun fun! As I am going on vacation this Monday, I will not be here to eager await their arrival. However, our house guest will let me know when they get here. Oh, I am ready to get started on this show. :o)
Auditions will be June 26 and 27, probably early afternoon at RTP.
More info to come!
Auditions will be June 26 and 27, probably early afternoon at RTP.
More info to come!
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Summer show........
Once again, it is that time of the year when I plan for the summer show. I am not currently able to disclose the show's title or information at this time, but I know the audition dates will be towards the end of June and rehearsals will go up soon after with performances in August. Vague? I know. I'm sorry... I'll reveal more soon enough.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Another fantastic show over. I feel that we really outdid ourselves with this one. I don't mean to pat myself on the back, but it was a well casted and well performed production. The audience loved it, and I think they and the actors fed off of each other's enthusiasm and energy. You could tell the actors truly enjoyed their roles and enjoyed their production.
I look forward to the next theatrical conquest with this great bunch of kids. I believe I shall do a summer show..... hmmmmmmmmm........
I look forward to the next theatrical conquest with this great bunch of kids. I believe I shall do a summer show..... hmmmmmmmmm........
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Opening Weekend
This weekend was spot on. The actors have every right to be so proud of themselves. They were amazing.
Teatime with Titania went off without a hitch and managed to be more awesome than I imagined when I first thought up the idea. I will post pictures soon to illustrate how truly adorable and successful it was.
Major props to Cora Derexson for hopping on as Peter Quince this weekend so Jessica could heal and rest her injured knee.
I love all of my actors!
Teatime with Titania went off without a hitch and managed to be more awesome than I imagined when I first thought up the idea. I will post pictures soon to illustrate how truly adorable and successful it was.
Major props to Cora Derexson for hopping on as Peter Quince this weekend so Jessica could heal and rest her injured knee.
I love all of my actors!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Opening Night!
ROCKED! Everyone was on spot and was amazing! The kids were so awesome. The audience could not get enough of them. I love my cast!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tech Week, Night Five and OPENING NIGHT!!!!
Our last Tech Week Rehearsal/ Dress Rehearsal went so well. We have a Cub Scout troop come to see the show and they loved it. We had a show, a GREAT show! I really hope to see everyone there this weekend or next.
The Fairies
The Royal Court and Lovers
The Workers
Bottom, transformed, and the Fairies
Titania and her beloved Bottom
Pyramus and Thisbe (and wall)
The Fairies
The Royal Court and Lovers
The Workers
Bottom, transformed, and the Fairies
Titania and her beloved Bottom
Pyramus and Thisbe (and wall)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tech Week, Night Four
Tonight brought some interesting news to our cast and crew. Our dear Jessica (Peter Quince) fell and busted up her knee pretty badly. Either she broke it or tore a ligament. Whatever the case, we had to find someone to fill in for the production dates this weekend. Luckily, we were able to ask Cora Derexson, an older sister to a couple of our cast members, to fill in, to which she obliged. Junia and I were so relieved as we truly did not want to be onstage when we are needed behind the scenes. I am confident Jessica will be able to heal enough to rejoin our cast next weekend.
We, in short, have a show. The kids and musicians have done so well and we are so proud of them all. It is amazing how much they have accomplished over the past week and a half. It's a great show and everyone is going to love it.
We, in short, have a show. The kids and musicians have done so well and we are so proud of them all. It is amazing how much they have accomplished over the past week and a half. It's a great show and everyone is going to love it.
Tech Week, Night Two and Night Three
Monday was canceled due to the winter wonderland outside everyone's window. Too many people were unable to get their cars moving enough to make it to rehearsal. Bleh.
Last night we were missing six people, but managed through rehearsal quite well. One of our Tech guys, Chad, was there and was quite successful in learning the lighting cues and caught on quite well.
We have two more nights of rehearsal until opening night. I cannot believe it! I am truly excited to see an audience each night for these kids. They really deserve it.
Last night we were missing six people, but managed through rehearsal quite well. One of our Tech guys, Chad, was there and was quite successful in learning the lighting cues and caught on quite well.
We have two more nights of rehearsal until opening night. I cannot believe it! I am truly excited to see an audience each night for these kids. They really deserve it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ah, and Tech Week has begun. I cannot believe we're here. Time flies so fast. I have finally reached that moment where all of the things that needed to be done are either almost there or completed. I have very little to freak out about, thus my sanity is restored.
Yesterday we met at the theatre around 2:00 pm and didn't get out until 9:30 pm, for some of us 10:30 pm. In that time, the cast donned their costumes and make up and we ran through the show twice, breaking for dinner and minor adjustments to the acting, songs, lights, sound, etc. I am so proud of this cast as they have really stepped it up and produced such wonderful characters. This week is going to be a blast.

Tate (Cobweb) asked us during the first read through if Cobweb was gothic, voicing that he should be if not. Junia decided to take his idea and incorporate into his make-up, matching the costume we found for him. The sunglasses were Junia's device for keeping hair out of the way.

I liked what Junia did with a few of the Fairies, Including Miss Allyson (Moth). She took my idea for Puck's make-up, sparkle and swirl, and used it in the various colors to match the individual costumes. The kids all came with their hair done up in a myriad of ways. I really liked seeing the variety.

Whatever it was, something funny struck Allyson (Moth) and Carley (Peaseblossom) as they went over lines. lol

Katie (Puck) and Jarrod (Oberon) work well together on our stage. And look at the set! It has certainly come a long way!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saturday clean up
(Junia and Sophia)
This morning Junia and I headed to RTP to assist other board members and Theatre folk to do some cleaning projects around the theatre. Junia was on baby duty.:o) We got several things accomplished and we were really pleased with the work.
After the cleaning, our fairies showed up to rehearse In Dreams. Junia also worked with our Puck and Peaseblossom on their solos in It's Only Magic. I furthered the progress on getting the set finished. We're almost there. I also started Titania's Arbour, which is a huge relief. WHEW.
Our Peter Quince stopped by with her new baby. I promptly freaked out. :o)
Tomorrow is our first rehearsal for Tech Week. WOOT!
This morning Junia and I headed to RTP to assist other board members and Theatre folk to do some cleaning projects around the theatre. Junia was on baby duty.:o) We got several things accomplished and we were really pleased with the work.
After the cleaning, our fairies showed up to rehearse In Dreams. Junia also worked with our Puck and Peaseblossom on their solos in It's Only Magic. I furthered the progress on getting the set finished. We're almost there. I also started Titania's Arbour, which is a huge relief. WHEW.
Our Peter Quince stopped by with her new baby. I promptly freaked out. :o)
Tomorrow is our first rehearsal for Tech Week. WOOT!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Week Six, Night Four
Last night, I looked down at my cast from the Tech booth and felt really proud and relieved. We're going to have a show. It's not all together yet, but it will be come next week. Each actor has grown in their characters. The lines and songs are 92.5% memorized. We're getting there. We're almost where we need to be. Junia and I did some more make-up on a few Fairies and found some really cool designs we love. The kids are going to look awesome.
Despite a few minor backstage dramas and a possibly broken wrist, we are getting things done. Thanks to the fabulous Cathy, we have all of our costumes finished and ready. I am so excited to share this cast and their show with the community. Everyone is in for a treat. :o)
Despite a few minor backstage dramas and a possibly broken wrist, we are getting things done. Thanks to the fabulous Cathy, we have all of our costumes finished and ready. I am so excited to share this cast and their show with the community. Everyone is in for a treat. :o)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Week Six, Night Three Photos
Sean (Bottom), Richard (Flute), Robert (Egeus), and Jake (Theseus)
Hannah (Clarinet Player) and Jessica (Quince)
Gwenn (Titania) and me
Katie (Puck) and me
Hannah (Clarinet Player) and Jessica (Quince)
Gwenn (Titania) and me
Katie (Puck) and me
Week Six, Night Three

Katie (Puck), after my experiment with make-up. I think we found a winner....
Although schools were canceled today, I opted to have an... odd job evening of sorts. I was successful in figuring out how to set my own lights, a feat that will prove quite useful for future productions. WOOT. Then, as cast members trickled in, I began delegating certain jobs. Robert (Egeus) took over the task of painting the tops of our trees on set. A few of the girls looked for remaining set and prop pieces. A few guys found some fabric to put backstage to shield the traffic from the audience. I decided to check into some make-up ideas I had, and used Katie (Puck) and Gwenn (Titania).
After some labor, we went over the Workers' Song and In Dreams. I feel a whole lot better about several things after tonight, even if we didn't get a full rehearsal in.
Robert(Egeus) painting away.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Week Six, Night Two
We were not able to have rehearsal tonight due to the weather. BLEH. Luckily, I was able to sit at home and create 53 fairy halo/head pieces to sell during our show. I am so excited to show them to the cast!!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Week Six, Night One
This evening I, with the help of Tiffany, Jessica, and, Hannah, was able to find 98% of the costumes. WOOT! They also started to find props. DOUBLEWOOT! I had the cast run through the show, no music. I am so pleased with them as they are almost completely off book. A few people called for lines and a few fumbled through lines, but I'm am really happy overall. Tomorrow we will work on music and I will hunt down more props. I'm also going to the printing company to order shirts for certain cast members that have handed in orders and money. I can't believe we open in less than two weeks. AUGH!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Week Five, Nights Three and Four
This past week was quite productive. We were able to fine tune the Finale/Curtain Call, The Workers' Song, In Dreams, and Bottom's Song. I was also pleased to find a parent willing to work on Bottom's donkey head, and a parent willing to take over the organizing of concessions and Teatime With Titania. Oh, I also spoke with Trish Bennett from the Herald and arranged for when she will come to see our production and write the review. YAY!
Our next rehearsal is this Saturday, 6-8 in the evening, praying there is no snow. Bleh.
This following video is proof we have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much fun at rehearsals...
Our next rehearsal is this Saturday, 6-8 in the evening, praying there is no snow. Bleh.
This following video is proof we have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much fun at rehearsals...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Week Five, Night Two
Tonight we worked on "Summer Nights" and It's Only Magic. I am so pleased to see that everyone is off book as far as the song lyrics go. I am so excited to see what reactions our audience members will give the kids when we reach performance time. I feel so scattered though. I need to finalize the programs, find a "head" for Bottom, figure out makeup and hair, finalize costuming, get with dad to do the lighting scheme, finish painting the set, organize the "Teatime with Titania," figure out ushers, gather props, and successfully run through the show, beginning to end, music included, no stopping. And we have 16 days. To make myself feel better, I say two weeks. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!
Luckily, I have gotten the ball rolling on the T-shirt order forms and some parents and actors have started approaching me for those. I still need to order buttons and stickers for the concessions, OH, and start making the "Fairy" headbands as well. We will be selling those along with the stickers and buttons, and I have to get a sufficient amount to give to the little fairies who join us for Teatime on the 21st. Oh, I also have to get volunteers to bring tea and other such items for our Teatime.
Now begins the crunch time/insanity.
Luckily, I have gotten the ball rolling on the T-shirt order forms and some parents and actors have started approaching me for those. I still need to order buttons and stickers for the concessions, OH, and start making the "Fairy" headbands as well. We will be selling those along with the stickers and buttons, and I have to get a sufficient amount to give to the little fairies who join us for Teatime on the 21st. Oh, I also have to get volunteers to bring tea and other such items for our Teatime.
Now begins the crunch time/insanity.
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