
This is the blog site for the Roundtown Player's children's production.
Read, enjoy, and comment!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Audtions, part two...

Yesterday's auditions went very well.
We had 10 young people come.
Add the young man who had to audition on Friday because of a boy scout outing this weekend, and we have had 11 adolescences audition for the show.
Everyone had do remarkably well througout the audition process.
There were a few RTP veterans who never fail to perform well, as well as a few brand new to RTP who did very well their first time around.
The rest of those who auditioned were young people who were brand new when they auditioned for Treasure Island.
These kids showed a great improvement from the first time I met them in January, which made mom, Junia, and I all smile.
All in all, it was a lot of fun, which makes me excited to see what today's auditions will bring.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Auditions- The final Frontier....

Wizard of Wonderland is going to be a blast.
In three hours, we'll start our auditioning process to find our cast of 11 actors/characters:
Dorothy- A young girl from Kansas
Alice- A young girl from London
Judson- A boy from New Jersey who likes to procrastinate
Mad Hatter- Character from Wonderland
Scarecrow- Character from Oz
White Rabbit-Character from Wonderland
Tin Man-Character from Oz
Dormouse-Character from Wonderland
Cowardly Lion-Character from Oz
Wicked Witch- Oz baddie
Red Queen- Wonderland baddie

This show will be a total breeze after Treasure Island.
In fact, I think, besides doing a musical, Treasure Island proved how difficult a children's production can be, and on quite a large scale.
The cast of Wizard of Wonderland equates to about a third of the cast of Treasure Island,the set is a bunch of trees and bushes, and a sign post, all of which NEVER get moved, and the production is about an hour in length.
It's a great little show to do in the summer.
The only thing that bums me out is that I have a limit as to how many people I can cast.
We'll see how things turn out...