
This is the blog site for the Roundtown Player's children's production.
Read, enjoy, and comment!

Monday, April 6, 2009


What an interesting ride this was.
My friends, actors, crew, and parents alike, I thank you all.
I am glad to say the good, by far, outweighed the not-so-good points.
I'd say we did a heck of a job, folks.
I am so proud of what we created and I'm proud of everyone for all of the hard work that went into our production.
I thank you all for your support.
I also thank you for your help in making my dream into a reality.
I so mean it when I say I would work with everyone again, and I truly hope so in the future.

I love you all.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Production weekend TWOOOOOOOO.....

Well, my friends, we have made it.
It is indeed Friday, April 3rd.
And I'm still proud of everyone!

Brush up was....
VERY special.
It got only slightly out of hand, but I know you were all having fun, so I guess it's all good.

Remember, the cast party is TOMORROW night AFTER the production, in the green room.
I am uber pumped for this weekend.
Since the high school productions are over, we should have better crowds.
PLUS, it's a rainy day AKA perfect weather to attend a show!

See y'all between 5:30 and 6:00!